Information Repackaging: ‘Gadgets and Gimmicks’ of the New World Order Jurriaan Maessen During a discussion at the 1980 Bilderberg conference in Aachen, West-Germany, one ‘participant’ stood up to make his case for depopulation and the third world. The Bilderberg notes report on page 11: ‘The speaker (a German participant) went on to say that the leaders of the LDC’s understood that the oil price explosion had hurt the Third World much more than the industrialized countries. And they were beginning to see that they did not have at all the same interests as the oil-producing countries. What they did not perhaps fully understand was what a menace the population explosion was to their countries. It seemed that no one wanted to tell them that- neither the Catholic Church nor others. It would be nearly impossible to feed and employ the future world population at the rate it was growing. This had to be faced seriously; it could not be solved by talking about “gadgets and gimmicks.”’ But his fellow-transnationalists are more patient than the German participant. They work towards a clearly defined objective: to reduce the earth’s population in an orderly fashion. The global warming and climate change propaganda machine has been warmed up in carefully planned stages of succession. The gadgets and gimmicks the Bilderberger referred to in the 1980 Bilderberg get-together were already in place during the 1970s and beginning of the 1980s en were to be expanded with painstaking accuracy by the global elite in the years and decades to come. To tackle the population problem and convincingly manufacture an ongoing crisis in order to justify their plans, they would have to find some pretext, any pretext, on the condition that it superseded nation-states for their own transnational designs. CFR-head Richard N. Haass offers an insight into the true objective of the environmental argument in a 1991 Club of Rome document, ‘The First Global Revolution’: ‘The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a common enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.’ As anyone can learn, the globalists have decided long ago that the environmental debate is no longer a debate- it has been decreed that the ‘discussion is over’ and everyone should get to bed dreaming that man is the prime cause for global warming on the planet earth, or of any other natural calamity, as long as it serves the double purpose of the elite: to abolish nation-states in favour of a great global government, and reduce the world population. The imagined threat of ‘international terrorism’ being hardly sufficient to justify the drastic measures being implemented, another common enemy has presented itself, staring back at you from the mirror. As numerous meteorologists have testified to in recent years, their participation in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been taken and used to prove a theory that they did not support. And then there are the thousands of meteorologists of good name and standard, who out of scientific righteousness have stepped forward and presented their facts before the public and scientific community. But it is of no concern to the eugenicists of Unesco and the IPCC. They have for a good long time, spanning the last couple of centuries at least, presided over the politics of eugenics and enforced its diabolical mechanisms with energy, cunning and precision. It is not an idle use of words, when we identify eugenicists as such, for however just and noble its cloaking makes them out to be, this supposed righteousness is merely a grotesque carnival-costume intended to shade its true countenance. For an October 1975 ‘ International Workshop on Environmental Education’, UN-representative Lars Emmelin writes: ‘The adult education effort seems to me most critical. First, because this element- now outside the formal channels of education- will continue to be the decision makers for the next 15 to 20 years, and it is within this period that the most critical and disruptive decisions will have to be made. We cannot afford to focus on youth and let the elders die off before changing our course, which, if time permitted, would be the most efficient way of institutions change.’ In choosing its course for mass-indoctrination, the 1975 workshop explores various ways in which the mass media can be used to ‘sensitize’ the general public in accepting the UN’s long-term ambitions. Under the headline ‘The Media as Environmental Educators’ (page 4) several options are being presented by one of the participants in how the media can best be used: ‘Discussing the role of media as motivators Sandman concludes that: “Four relatively effective kinds of environmental information are: basic ecological principles; prescriptions for environmental action; early warnings of anticipated problems; and assessments of blame for environmental degradation.”’ During an ENESCO-conference in October 1977 held (bizarrely) in Soviet Russia, the Director-General of UNESCO, Amadou-Mahtar M’Bow, ‘paid tribute to the Soviet Union and to the spectacular results achieved since the October Revolution in all areas of economic, social and cultural life, particularly in education and science, and, more especially, in environmental education.’ Here the good Director-General pays tribute to a then 60-year old regime responsible for murdering many millions of its own people in great death camps and deliberate mass-scale starvation-operations. Yes, ‘enviromental issues’ were very high on the agenda of the USSR, very high indeed. After having taken his hat off to his fellow-psychopath, the Director-General plunged into a long and melodious speech on the importance of the ‘environment-issue’ in the decades to come.‘The objectives and strategies relating to the environment and to development had to be linked and co-ordinated. (…) It would be the task of education to make people aware of their responsibilities in this connection, but in order to do so it must first be reoriented and based on an ethos of the environment.‘ And a little further on he states: ‘Environmental education should also promote attitudes which would encourage individuals to discipline themselves in order not to impair the quality of the environment and to play a positive role in improving it.’ It is true, under the intentionally vague ‘enviroment’-umbrella one can assemble all kinds of calamities and as many solutions to combat them. ‘Work in this programme area‘, the report continues, ‘will be intensified “in the line of the conference’s recommendations and move into a more operational fase. This means, among other activities, “making aid from Unesco available to member states (of the UN) which would like to launch pilot projects”; considering a “bank” of experts on environmental education; augmenting “work in the exchange of experience, in training and in encouraging the production of teaching materials”; and strengthening the Secretariat and Unesco’s infrastructure in general for the increased promotion of environmental education..’ In the meeting, the chairman of the conference stresses that no means will be shunned in the coming propaganda war against the people: ‘Some countries have also taken an interest, as part of in-service training activities, in the environmental education of various social and occupational categories of the population, such as factory workers, farmers, civil servants, etc. Marked progress has been made in the preparation of audio-visual and printed teaching materials concerning the environment, and the mass media are being increasingly used for sensitizing and informing broad sectors of the public about the environment.‘ In a follow-up conference more than ten years later (this time in Moscow) the Secretary-General of Unesco, Federico Mayor, discusses ‘three levels of global education’ in regards to the environment. The first, he states, is the ‘moral imperative’ to reach as many people as humanly possible. The second level is ‘to harness school systems, non-formal learning and informal education to teach and learn about the global issues that shape and threaten the quality of our lives.’ Arriving at the third and last level of global indoctrination, Mayor states: ‘The third level concerns the means at our disposal to project a global reach for education through both simple and highly advanced existing technologies. (…) the daily newspaper and radio have a crucial role to play in building bridges to the wider world. We must promote these media, defend and expand their freedom and appeal to their professionals at all levels to work with us for global education.’ We can hardly accuse the globalists of keeping their plans secret. At every possible UN event or brainstorm conference, they openly brag about their plans for the world in quite explicit ways. The Secretary-General continues about the steps that have to be taken in order to build a ‘new global perception’: ‘Our first initiative would be to create a worldwide expert panel of scientists and educators to plan a global education curriculum of practical value and planetary scope.’ The Secretary-General forgets to mention here that just such a panel was created two years earlier by the very organisation he presides over. ‘Second, putting environmental education at the centre of all curricula from kindergarten to higher studies and training the teachers and the administrators who can carry the massage into all schools.(..) Third, promoting a global civic education by devising teaching methods and materials that emphasize the ethics of worldwide community living.(…) Fourth, teaching the children of the wealthier countries about the conditions of their brothers and sisters in the developing world (…) Fifth, working with the mass media and telecommunication enterprises to produce and broadcast audio-visual packages that introduce audiences, particularly children and young people, to the great teachers of this world at al levels and in all cultures (…). ‘And finally’, the Secretary-General concludes, ‘let me make a very immediate and concrete proposal: building on the broadcast of this forum scheduled for tomorrow (…), to create global television learning networks on the issues of the human agenda for the next century. This would be an experiment in informal global education at its best.’ Under the term ‘Information Repackaging’, the UN has published several manuals on this subject, teaching their cronies how to most effectively influence public opinion. In a 1986 ‘Manual for Repackaging of Information on Population Education’, the Unesco proposes ‘strategies for integrating population education into different subject areas’- one of these being playing into fears on the part of the population in regards to the subject of their home environment family: ‘For instance, the effectiveness of fear appeals in changing attitudes and behaviour, such as the adverse effects of non- or limited access to education and housing facilities with more than two children, depends on the credibility of the source of information and the extent of general/public support to the message conveyed by a particular piece of information. Fear appeals directed to the welfare of people valued by the receiver of information (e.g. family members, close friends) are also effective.’ On page 37 of the manual, under the header ‘Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)’, the strategy is further elaborated upon: ‘One SDI package, for instance, focuses on the integration of population education into environmental education. The package contains materials which will help users understand the relationship between man and the environment, as well as provide insights and actual data on how to plan, teach and implement practical environment/population activities for everyday life.’ As we know, the abovementioned ‘gadgets and gimmicks’ are incrementally being used in the mass media as the climate change propaganda machine is working overtime. Using the mass media to prepare the population for globalism, is not only an ambitious plan- it reveals the deceitful spirit behind the provided information, rivalling the work of Joseph Goebbels and his Department of Propaganda. As the following fragment from a 2007 Greek quiz show illustrates, the Bilderbergers in the 21st century are working as hard as ever to push this ‘climate change’-agenda, forcing businesses and governments worldwide to ‘go green’ and calling for world government as the final solution: You tube fragment:
Thursday, May 14, 2009Director General of UNESCO, Amadou-Mahtar M’Bow, paid tribute to the Soviet Union and its then 60-year old regime responsible for murdering many millions of its own people.
Friday, 15 May 2009
1980 Bilderberg Documents Discuss Overpopulation
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