The elevator was carrying 16 people up to the top of the north
tower when it suddenly dropped without warning.
It only came to a stop when it smashed into the concrete base of
the shaft on the north side of the bridge where people enter the
Tower Bridge exhibition, one of London's most popular tourist
Bridge emergency: three of the injured were taken to hospital by
Horror plunge: Three sightseers were taken to hospital after
being injured after a lift plummeted inside Tower Bridge
Six people including several Spanish tourists were hospitalised
suffering what has been described as lower body injuries.
The four men and two women were last night being treated at the
Royal London hospital suffering from broken ankles and legs.
Those hurt included a husband and wife who suffered leg injuries.
One person was taken from the scene on a stretcher.
London Ambulance Service (LAS) said it was called just before
1.10pm to reports of an incident at Tower Bridge.
tower bridge lift accident
Lift collapse: Images taken from the Sky News helicopter show
emergency services on the bridge
'We sent two single responders in cars, three ambulance crews and
the hazardous area response team,' the LAS spokeswoman said.
'We understand there are six patients being treated by our crews,
all of whom are conscious.'
It was not immediately clear what had caused the accident
although investigations are likely to concentrate on the cables
that operate the lift.
Officers from the City of London Police's Crime Scene
Investigation unit were also investigating, although at this
stage it is thought to have been an accident.
World famous: The victims were trapped in the north tower, which
houses an exhibition of the popular tourist landmark
World famous: The victims were trapped in the north tower, which
houses an exhibition of the popular tourist landmark
A spokesman for the City of London Corporation who mange the
bridge said the lift fell ten feet.
However police sources say it was closer to a 30ft drop.
Several fire brigade units, three ambulance crews, and an
'incident response team' were sent to the scene.
The bridge was closed for two hours causing major traffic jams.
Response: Police close the road to the Tower as emergency crews
race to free the trapped people
Response: Police close the road to the Tower as emergency crews
race to free the trapped people
A spokeswoman for the City of London Corporation, which owns the
bridge, said: ‘The incident happened when the lift to the Tower
Bridge exhibition was on the way down.
'It did not fall from the top, it fell the last 10ft - it
suddenly dropped.
‘The door automatically opened. Six people were injured. We were
told they were lower limb injuries, such as broken ankles and
‘They have been sent to the Royal London Hospital. The six people
included one member of staff and five visitors to the Tower
Bridge exhibition.
‘About 10 people have left the scene and were uninjured. The lift
takes a maximum of 40 people but it is not possible to say
exactly how many people were in the lift.
‘We are launching a full investigation on the lift. Tower Bridge
exhibition will be closed for the day.’
Back to normal: Crowds start to return to Tower Bridge following
the lift accident
Back to normal: Crowds start to return to Tower Bridge following
the lift accident
Officials confirmed that this had never happened before and that
they would be launching a full investigation.
The Tower Bridge Exhibition, which opened in 1982, is highly
popular attracting up to one thousand tourists a day.
Visitors go up a lift in the bridge's north tower to reach the
walkway 140 ft (42 m) above the River Thames.
They can enjoy stunning views across London whilst also viewing
the exhibition before walking across to the south tower where
they get the lift back down.
The bridge is currently undergoing a three-year restoration
involving painting and re-stoning.
Later Philip Everett, director of environmental services at the
City of London Corporation, apologised for the incident.
He said the lift was regularly checked and serviced and said the
Corporation was co-operating with investigations to determine
what caused the problem.
'We clearly very much regret it and we wish them well.'
'We are taking all the right precautions including keeping the
exhibition closed. It will remain shut until we have checked the
serviceability of the other lift on the site.'
1. http://www.dailymai
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Five tourists and a member of staff were rushed to hospital today
after a lift at Tower Bridge plunged 30ft feet to the ground.
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Britannia Radio