Monday, 4 May 2009

440% over unity magnetic motor home generator

Video from Australia showing an over unity motor in action, that works.
for further info see and the manufacturer website at
Reason for uploading: The other youtube video won't play on my site ("no longer available" message), so this is a re-upped version that hopefully will


Also see


for an answer to the pseudoskeptic lemmings, who scamper back under their rocks when put under real pressure regarding the evaluation of this device.
A View On Magnetic
Motors Rarely Discussed

By Ted Twietmeyer
Another viewpoint of the magnet motor:
The principle Mylow is using is not new, and has both been on the web and done in one form or another by many people over many years. Even though the Mylow motor and others like it may initially function, all of these motors will eventually slow down and finally stop. Magnets eventually lose their magnetism as they pass by one another, which is the case in this motor and others like it. Few people seem to understand this principle, and even fewer people will even talk about the impact of the gradual loss of magnetism on motor lifetime. A magnet is similar to a capacitor - both of them are really storing electical energy, just in different forms.
So, the question remains - can a magnetic motor generate more power over any given period of time, than the high energy that was required to magnetise the magnets at the factory in the first place? This isn't likely. Magnetizers used in factories that made magnets to begin with, dissipate considerable instanteous energy from ohmic losses in magnetizer coils as heat. To make magnets requires kilowatt to megawatt pulses.
Ted Twietmeyer
Latest Chapter In Mylow's Magnet Motor Saga Naysayers Spoil the Mylow Magnet Motor Show