Wednesday, 6 May 2009

6 May 2009

Barosso Gets Pesticidal Flea in Ear

The president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barosso, has received two letters recently about the EU's imposition of new regulations controlling the use of pesticides by growers, horticulturalists and plant breeders.

The first was from Richard Starke, managing director of Camstar Herbs of  Ely, Suffolk.

"As a result of meddling by the EU it has now become impossible to cultivate the herb basil in the UK.  We have lost 100 hectares [250 acres in real money] of production as a result.

"We have been testing all herbicides, fungicides and pesticides for many years against maximum residue levels set by the EU in the first place. Yet we had never detected any residues, ever. 

"What is the point if testing results are to be ignored? Why ban a chemical which has never been detected in the end product?  How many more examples of such idiocy do we have to tolerate from the EU? There seems to be no end to the arrogance of those who needlessly abuse their power without the taking the least responsibility for the effect of their legislation on businesses, when there is neither a need nor a benefit."
Richard Starke

The second letter to President Barosso was from Ashley Mote MEP, who has been fighting this legislation on behalf of growers all over the UK ever since it was proposed. Despite widespread opposition, and the discovery that the supposed need for such legislation was based on the fact that the Danes do not purify their drinking water taken from the ground, the Danish Commissioner (now there's a strange coincidence) has now forced the legislation through.

"Thank you for the thorough [and long delayed] reply to my letter of 2 December last, about the impact of your pesticides regulations on growers in the UK.

"You effectively confirm the point of my enquiry. Your reply makes crystal clear that highly contentious science has been allowed to overwhelm the best interests of many hundreds of farmers and growers whose entire professional lives will be upended by these new “laws”.

"You make no mention of the impact of your directive on people.

"They are entitled to feel insulted, for another reason also. They have no interest whatsoever in damaging the environment and they need no interference in the good conduct of their businesses.

"Yet your letter condemns them to farming by damage-limitation in future, and in many cases to the loss of their enterprises, their livelihoods, and quite possibly their homes.

"Does it never occur to you and your colleagues that the interests of ordinary people ought, at least sometimes, to feature in your considerations?

"Or do you really not care a fig for their needs and opinions?  Perhaps not. It seems that the EU still thinks itself immune from a people’s revolution.

"Many of my constituents in south-east England loathe and detest the EU, and they have far too many reasons to take that view.

"The tragedy of my brief tenure here in your lunatic asylum is that your time is not yet come.

"But it will.  Be sure of it. In the end the people will win."

Ashley Mote MEP
Independent, SE England