Thursday, 7 May 2009

ADL Condemns Anti-Islam (But Accurate) Remarks Made by Dutch Parliamentarian During Appearances in S. Florida


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ADL Condemns Anti-Islam (But Accurate) Remarks Made by Dutch Parliamentarian During Appearances in S. Florida

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) strongly condemns remarks made over the last few days at various appearances throughout South Florida by Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders.  In his speeches, he claimed that "Islam is not a religion" and "the right to religious freedom should not apply to this totalitarian ideology called Islam."  Mr. Wilders also stated that the Koran is a book of hatred, and that Mohammed was both "a pedophile and a warlord."

Andrew Rosenkranz, ADL Florida Regional Director, issued the following statement:

The ADL strongly condemns Geert Wilders' message of hate against Islam as inflammatory, divisive and antithetical to American democratic ideals.

This rhetoric is dangerous and incendiary, and wrongly focuses on Islam as a religion, as opposed to the very real threat of extremist, radical Islamists.

Andrew Rosenkranz, ADL Florida Regional Director


The mission of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike.

By condemning Geert Wilders speech Andrew Rosenkranz rejects and refutes all that the ADL stands for and they do not represent us any more.

If you disagree with Mr. Rosenkranz remarks, then please share and spread this message, either by using Robert Reyto’s letter—or mine, below, as a guideline or using your own words.  Also please do not forget to write your own letter of protest

ADL Florida contact is:

ADL Los Angeles chapter fax: 310-470-8712

ADL New York chapter fax: 212-867-9406

I am sure some people don't even know what is going on with the ADL and keep on supporting them so they can help our enemy  This is very tragic and appears to be rampant with the latest at Santa Barbara university, Purdue university, now our own ADL.

Thank you,



May 4, 2009

To: Mr. Andrew Rosenkranz, Regional Director Florida ADL

To: All directors of ADL National Organization

ADL Los Angeles chapter fax: 310-470-8712

ADL New York chapter fax: 212-867-9406

Mr. Rosenkranz,

Your statement, below, is infuriating.


ADL Condemns Anti-Islam Remarks Made by Dutch Parliamentarian During Appearances in S. Florida

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) strongly condemns remarks made over the last few days at various appearances throughout South Florida by Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders.  In his speeches, he claimed that "Islam is not a religion" and "the right to religious freedom should not apply to this totalitarian ideology called Islam."  Mr. Wilders also stated that the Koran is a book of hatred, and that Mohammed was both "a pedophile and a warlord."

Andrew Rosenkranz, ADL Florida Regional Director, issued the following statement:

The ADL strongly condemns Geert Wilders' message of hate against Islam as inflammatory, divisive and antithetical to American democratic ideals.

This rhetoric is dangerous and incendiary, and wrongly focuses on Islam as a religion, as opposed to the very real threat of extremist, radical Islamists.

Andrew Rosenkranz, ADL Florida Regional Director


The reason your statement is infuriating is because by saying this you are rejecting and refuting all that the ADL stands for which is to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike.

Geert Wilders is a modern time hero.  More so, in a world full of lies and deceit he dares to tell the truth about Islam.

When Geert Wilders tells the world that Islam is inflammatory he is so very right.  The Islamists do not stop for a moment spewing their inflammatory rhetoric against Israel, Jews and the West spreading it in their media, their schools and their mosques.  Have you, Mr. Rosenkranz lost your hearing and eye sight to not have heard or seen this?

When Geert Wilders tells the world that Islam is not a religion he is right.  It is a radical, totalitarian, political ideology with genocidal sentiments.

When Geert Wilders tells the world the Koran is a book of hatred he is right.  It is a book that teaches its believers to live by the sword and to accept no one else but Allah, Mohamed and other fellow Muslims who believe the very same.  I assume that you, Mr. Rosenkranz, have not never read one chapter in the Qur’an.

When Geert Wilders tells the world that Mohammed was both, a pedophile and a warlord, he is right.  History tells us exactly this and if you, Mr. Rosenkranz, do not know it already, I strongly suggest he reads the history of the Prophet Mohamed starting right here:

When you, Mr. Rosenkranz, stated that what Geert Wilders said was antithetical to American democratic ideals he is totally wrong.  What the Islamists believe and preach is totally antithetical to American democratic ideals and to any ideals of the free world.

Geert Wilders statements, not rhetoric, are truthful and meant to alarm the free world before it is too late and it is devoured by Islam.  None of what Geert Wilders says is dangerous or incendiary, rather is a wake up call before we all become dhimmis and live under Islamic sharia law.

There is not difference between Muslims and Islamists; the end result of who they are, is one of the very same.  Geert Wilders, rightfully so, focuses on Islam which gives birth to extremist, radical Muslims-Islamists every day.

Geert Wilders is bravely trying to protect the interests of the free world by alarming us all to the facts and the truth about Islam.  He has put his life in danger to do so.  He has put his life in danger to protect his countrymen, mankind and especially Jews!  He is fighting the anti-Semitic Muslims.

It is time that ADL takes off its politically correct rhetoric guise and begins speaking up the truth about Islam and its Jew hate agenda.  The fact that Mr. Rosenkranz did not agree with Wilders leads me to believe that he was forced to appease the terrorists’ supporter CAIR, which, if true, is a tragic!  I hope that you, Mr. Rosenkranz, do not support an organization that has been nixed by the FBI.

The sad part of it all is that you, Mr. Rosenkranz, forsaken the ADL mission you represent and with such a favorable statement towards the worst enemy of Jews you acknowledge that the ADL, that suppose to defend Jews, is against a Jew defender such as Wilders.

We, Jews now understand that the ADL no longer represents us and by knowing this, our support for ADL, monitory and otherwise, will end.

“Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing the fields for those who did not.” —Benjamin Franklin

Nurit Greenger, Los Angeles, California



Below is a statement from the ADL website, which made me furious! If you agree, please do your share and spread this message, either my letter or your own words, because it seems they do not represent us any more.  The Florida contact info suddenly is ‘not available’, so fax it to Los Angeles (310-470-8712) and New York (212-867-9406) with your name.



The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) strongly condemns remarks made over the last few days at various appearances throughout South Florida by Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders.  In his speeches, he claimed that "Islam is not a religion" and "the right to religious freedom should not apply to this totalitarian ideology called Islam."  Mr. Wilders also stated that the Koran is a book of hatred, and that Mohammed was both "a pedophile and a warlord."

Andrew Rosenkranz, ADL Florida Regional Director, issued the following statement:

The ADL strongly condemns Geert Wilders' message of hate against Islam as inflammatory, divisive and antithetical to American democratic ideals.

This rhetoric is dangerous and incendiary, and wrongly focuses on Islam as a religion, as opposed to the very real threat of extremist, radical Islamists.

Mr. Andrew Rosenkranz

Florida ADL Regional Director and

All directors of ADL National Organization


Dear Mr. Rosenkranz,

As a Communism and a Holocaust survivor I am outraged and strongly object to your inflammatory, derogatory, completely ignorant and offensive statement about Geert Wilders.

You have obviously not read the Qur’an!  Don’t read the New York Times, the Torah or the Bible, read the Qur’an, Mr. Rosenkrantz!!  And if you had read it, you could not possibly say what you had stated because if you are a true Muslim ‘believer’, you have to believe everything Mohammed said.  There is no ‘reform’ or any other kind of Islam and you can’t change or interpret the words of Allah! (Q18:27-31 and Q 5:47)

You issued a statement about the ‘American democratic ideals’ and the ‘rights’ for religious freedom. Does Islam embrace any democratic ideals in the US or elsewhere? Just remember: they can criticize, accuse and abuse us and our religion, but we can’t criticize them –for fear of threats and reprisal!!! (Q5:57-60, Q2:190-193, Q69:19-37, Q34:22-30). Is this what you call ‘rights’ or ‘democracy’? Why are we the only perpetrators in America , in France or in the UN and they are always the victims?

For your information Mohammed did ‘marry’ a 6 year old child, Aisha and consummated the marriage when she was 9 years old. (hadith of Bukhari, vol5,#234, vol7 #65; hadith of Sunan Abu Dawud, vol2, #2115). He also conducted major wars, slaughtered and forcibly converted thousands of people to his new religion. He also killed three Jewish tribes on false pretenses because they did not believe the Prophet and/or did not want to convert to Islam. Their women became slaves and Mohammed and Islam became rich and enjoyed the property, money and fertile lands confiscated from the Jews!

Their aim has not changed in 1500 years, which is totalitarianism under the disguise of religion. They want to take over the world. They say it themselves! Islam means to ‘submit’ or ‘surrender’. Totally and completely! (Q8:38-40, Q9:28-29, Q9:73-74, Q22:10-22, Q34:31-36).

Whom do you represent now? Are you playing politics on behalf of the Jews? What kind of Jews are you in the ADL? Were you all born in the US and are you those Jews who are now sitting in your easy chairs in the comfort of the US ? Is there anybody amongst you who lived under oppression, tyranny, fear, terror and sorrow, managed to live and escape? My wife and I did it and we don’t want to relive that again. Do you hear me? Do you understand that? Never again!

Geert Wilders is a hero! His life is in danger. He is a hero to his countrymen, to the mankind and especially to Jews! His speeches focus on both Islam as a religion and a political ideology intent on ‘taking over the World’.  Just watch ‘Fitna’ or another documentary film, Obsession”. There are not too many politicians in Holland , in Europe or in the US to stand up against them, in our ‘politically correct’ society.

Don’t you understand that we need all the support we can muster so we could survive? Do you represent us, our rights, our religion or those who openly admit that they hate us?  Did you condemn or represent those shameful rabbis (!?) who spent time with Ahmedinejad at his ‘The Holocaust-Never-Existed’ conference?

It is not Wilders’ rhetoric which is false. It is yours, because you seem to parrot the politically correct accepted terminology and you are afraid to offend the ‘peaceful religion’ which spews violence and hatred on almost every page of the Qur’an.

You don’t have to agree with Wilders, but you did not have to issue a statement against him.  The reason you did it, because CAIR asked you to do so and you sheepishly obliged. A tragedy! You support their cause instead of ours and actually pouring oil on the fire, because now they can claim, as they usually do, that even the Jews are against Wilders!

You have condemned someone who calls a spade a spade, who is with us! Your action(s) are not helping us Jews. You are hurting us! If this is the only thing you can do, we don’t need you!

Robert Reyto