Friday, 22 May 2009

Ahaaaa...Drip Drip Drip ...Pre Digested revelations Released..which they all knew years WHY NOW WHY NOW WHY NOW?

MPs could face income tax bills over expenses

MPs who milked the system of parliamentary allowances could be hit with large income tax bills following The Daily Telegraph’s disclosures.


Experts said that disclosures about the way some politicians have used Commons expenses called into question tax exemptions given to MPs for payments made for the purpose of performing their parliamentary duties.

HM Customs and Revenue is expected to review the cases of MPs who made claims that lawyers said were hard to justify as work-related. That could leave some members facing claims for back tax.

In recent days, it has been disclosed, for example, that Margaret Moran, a Labour MP, spent £22,500 of taxpayers’ money treating dry rot at a seaside house a hundred miles from her constituency. John Gummer, the former Conservative Cabinet minister, had moles removed from his country estate at taxpayers’ expense.

Most ordinary workers incur tax liabilities for some allowances and expenses paid by their employers. But MPs vote themselves far more generous treatment.

The Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003, gave MPs a special exemption from tax liabilities relating to their allowances.

Section 292 of the Act states that no income tax liability arises from allowances paid to MPs for “additional expenses necessarily incurred by the Member in staying overnight away from the Member’s only or main residence, for the purpose of performing parliamentary duties.”

One leading tax lawyer said that recent disclosures about the items and services that MPs have funded using their allowances raised serious questions about whether all the payments could reasonably be considered to be work-related.

“It is hard to think that many of the items that have been exposed meet this stringent requirement,” the lawyer said.

MPs’ tax returns are processed by a special HMRC unit in Cardiff, which also deals with members of the Royal Family, celebrities, members of the intelligence agencies and others whose affairs are considered to require additional security.

Insiders said that, until now, once an expense claim had been approved by the Commons authorities, the Cardiff unit did not question it any further. That is now likely to change.

One senior tax accountant told The Daily Telegraph: “My guess is that HMRC will now be forced into an investigation of a number of the cases that you have highlighted.

“Some MPs could be facing large claims for back tax together with interest and penalties.”

HMRC declined to discuss individual MPs, but a spokesman confirmed that officials would act “on a case-by-case basis” to ensure that tax laws were being properly followed.