ALL WITHIN THE RULES. May 11th 2009. We have paid our taxes for MP’s to pool, To keep them all working within the rules, We voted for them, is the fault then ours? We made them “Honourables” and gave them power They swore to be true by Oath to their Queen, Yet for all they did was a “what might have been”. For behind our backs they signed away, Our Queen and Country by deceit one day. They obeyed EU directives, regulations and laws, Over-ruled our Constitution, never once did they pause, Was all they did within the rules? Have they just taken all of us, for fools? It was from our taxes they made ill gotten gains, Yet within their rules, I hasten to say. The people are sovereign though their anger is real, MP’s had no thought of how the people would feel. They couldn’t care less as long as they made lots of money. The people that vote though, thought nothing was funny. They thought of the soldiers that fought an illegal war, And in Afghanistan, poor equipment, what was it all for? Some paid with their lives, too high a price to pay, For those that sent them, live in luxury each day. Their Country signed away while they were at war, Their once sovereign Country, now no more. Yet without folk paying taxes on a regular basis, No Member of Parliament would now have red faces, People were told their sovereignty was pooled, It was, we were told, well within the rules. Should “Lisbon” become active, I make clear without doubt, No fines, no Taxes by us, to be paid out. Gas and electric are Bills to be paid, But all tax be deducted and on one side will be saved, To be paid in full when this Country is free, And a true British Government works for you and me. For the third and last time, inspired once more, By our own Magna Carta be it invoked once more. Clause 61 will come into its own, And work once more for the British Crown. For Magna Carta’s sovereignty cannot be pooled, It is well within the PEOPLE’S COMMON LAW RULES. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ap
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
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Britannia Radio