Friday, 8 May 2009

Army extends immigrant recruiting: Pilot program seeks to boost the ranks of language and healthcare specialists by offering citizenship.

KBR Connected to Alleged Fraud, Pentagon Auditor Says: KBR, the Army's largest contractor in Iraq and Afghanistan, is linked to "the vast majority" of suspected combat-zone fraud cases that have been referred to investigators, as well as a majority of the $13 billion in "questioned" or "unsupported" costs, the Pentagon's top auditor said yesterday.

Bank of America comes up $34bn short in stress test: The US government has told BoA to bolster its capital cushion – and similar instructions are expected at up to 10 other banks

Wells Fargo said to need $15 billion: Wells Fargo & Co., the fourth-largest U.S. bank by assets, requires about $15 billion in new capital as a result of regulators' stress test on the lender, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Wells Fargo freezes traditional pension plan: Wells Fargo & Co. told employees on Monday it will no longer contribute to their traditional pension plan, effectively cutting the total compensation of its workers less than two weeks after announcing record first-quarter profit.

20% of homeowners 'underwater': Study finds more than 20% of U.S. homeowners - about 20 million residences - owe more than their homes are worth.

Rich Default on Luxury Homes Like Subprime Victims: The number of U.S. homes valued at more than $729,750, the jumbo-loan limit in the most affluent areas, entering the foreclosure process jumped 127 percent during the first 10 weeks of this year from the same period of 2008,