Thursday, 21 May 2009

Between Darkness & Light
Jim Kirwan
In a 2001 article, in the San Francisco Chronicle, entitled 'Dark Energy' Expanding the Universe; the composition of the cosmos is shown to contain only 5% of normal matter, but 30% which is Dark Matter, and 65% of the cosmos that is actually composed of Dark Energy: This new information changes the way the universe was traditionally seen (as largely empty space), and instead opens the door to previously unknown forces that are reshaping the universe and the cosmos that we thought we understood.
It is much the same with our political and theoretical understandings about what most people believe about the balance between darkness and the light that we have always thought of, as the night and day of the world we have lived in for centuries. However, it turns out that Dark Matter and Dark Energy combined make up 95% of the existing cosmos, which means that it's way past time to rethink what we thought we knew about origins and anything-like a natural balance in the universe. (1)
Our time on this planet is largely divided between living our lives to their fullest (LIFE) or consists of falling back into the mere EXISTENCE of non-participation in the choices that make life real and meaningful for those who choose to live it.
Most of us no longer notice the composition of the world around us, as we go about our lives, because most Americans seem to prefer to live within their own self-created pleasures and distractions; rather than to remain aware of what is taking place in the various parts of the world beyond themselves.
Lately much has been made of the dumbing down of the population, and this has largely been due to the huge addiction rate of people that are on either legal or illegal drugs that further distort an already semi-chaotic world that gets smaller every day; thanks largely to the artificial world of psychiatry and psychology that have created their own hugely profitable income streams, from the chaos of modern life, as this continues to impact the daily lives of the majority population. (2)
What is missing from all of this, are the simple basics of common sense and understanding that allow ordinary people to survive in the modern world. The first principle of these necessities is a reality based awareness of our surroundings, as we go about our lives. This allows us to perceive both potential threats and the potential knowledge that we will miss if we are completely shielded from the world, while we are moving about inside that world beyond the self. This became a problem with the new technology that brought us the Walkman, and later the I-pod and the cell-phone all of which can severely limit our awareness and consequently our comprehension of what's happening (to us and to others) as we move through the world. What these 'pleasures' do is that they tend to turn 'people' into self-absorbed targets for anyone that might be looking for an opportunity to harm or steal from the clueless ones that have basically dropped out of the active world.
?People in 'law-enforcement' have noticed that the only people that really pay attention to the world outside themselves are criminals and cops-the rest of us are either engrossed in 'going shopping' or we're on some kind of errand that tends to screen out the events that are transpiring around us all the time. Add to this the fact that most Americans will, if given a choice, choose 'not to get involved,' and the end result is a population that have simply become voyeurs of what they take to be the spontaneous entertainment of the events that make up the dark and dirty world that most prefer not to even notice-much less take any active part in. This huge gap between consciousness and daily affairs, is what accounts for how politicians and criminals have been able to virtually steal our country and our lives, right in front of us-while we have basically chosen to "do nothing at all" about any of it-until we are threatened with the loss of everything we each claim to need, in order to complete what we call 'our lives.' So the second principle we continue to lack is Self-Responsibility.
Without Awareness and Self-Responsibility we cannot live in an integrated society where we expect to be protected; while we remain clueless and defenseless. Nor can we expect to have a nation of laws when we do not bother to notice who is stealing what, or from whom. Consequently when the real world of everyday life interrupts our pleasures, this then has the capability to both shock and terrify the average person, precisely because they have become unfamiliar with what real life is really like; as opposed to the pretend world that many have created for themselves. This is what prevents us from demanding solutions, instead of the band-aids that we routinely accept, from garbage like the self-appointed Messiah that sits in the Tarnished House today.
We don't "demand" answers until the requirement is a direct threat to us personally. For instance when we are healthy we couldn't care less about medical care-until it becomes a personal requirement: then we are outraged that the system is totally corrupt and impossible to pay for.
The same is true of the entire Criminal Justice System; 'that's for criminals and other unfortunates to deal with'-until we suddenly find ourselves in its crosshairs and then we become pillars of fire against 'injustice,' but never does it seem to dawn on most people that if they had been paying attention they would already have had the services they now lack. If only we had been aware of how much we have all lost to corruption and to the massive-frauds, that in many cases were all built upon lies that we were simply too lazy to challenge as ordinary people; and because we were self-absorbed, we missed that opportunity-thousands of times! We have more than helped these puppets of the New World Order, in their quest to enslave far too many of us in their twisted plans for greed and global power.
We still seem to believe that the darkness and the light are co-equals in this world; when the truth is that without awareness and self-responsibility there is only more war and the artificial machinations of the global power struggles that undercut everything we could have done to change our lives for the better. This also leads to the frustrations that create child abuse, violence, and to intrinsic fear along with a genuine terror of the future.
If we had spent one-tenth of the money we allow to go to the endless wars on clean drinking water, decent food for everyone at affordable prices, and on maintaining some kind of balanced approach to the living with nature and the other life on this planet-we could all have begun to live much better lives all round, by now. If we had pursued creating sustainable fuels and alternative power, and had placed real limits upon our natural resources long ago, then we would have denied the privateers the chance to plunder us with every tank of fuel, and every breath of breathable air that we try to find amid the pollution and the decay in this cesspool that this world has now become. But too many of us were too busy with doing our own things, to bother about the bigger pictures that are fast becoming the nightmares that we simply cannot ignore.
"Hopelessness isn't natural. It needs to be produced. To understand this situation, we have to realize that the last 30 years have seen the construction of a vast bureaucratic apparatus that creates and maintains hopelessness. At the root of this machine is global leaders' obsession with ensuring that social movements do not appear to grow or flourish, that those who challenge existing power arrangements are never perceived to win. Maintaining this illusion requires armies, prisons, police and private security firms to create a pervasive climate of fear, jingoistic conformity and despair. All these guns, surveillance cameras and propaganda engines are extraordinarily expensive and produce nothing  they're economic deadweights that are dragging the entire capitalist system down.
This hopelessness-generating apparatus is responsible for our recent financial freefalls and endless strings of bursting economic bubbles. It exists to shred and pulverize the human imagination, to destroy our ability to envision an alternative future. As a result, the only thing left to imagine is money, and debt spirals out of control. What is debt? It's imaginary money whose value can only be realized in the future. Finance capital is, in turn, the buying and selling of these imaginary future profits. Once one assumes that capitalism will be around for all eternity, the only kind of economic democracy left to imagine is one in which everyone is equally free to invest in the market. Freedom has become the right to share in the proceeds of one's own permanent enslavement.
Since the economic bubble was built on the future, its collapse made it seem like there was nothing left." (3)
Given all of this some still wonder why any of us keep trying to awaken anyone; given the enormity of how deeply caught the world has become in this battle with the tar-baby of our discontent. Someone pointed out, that if those people had not surfaced and continued to oppose the tyrannies and treasons that abound today-then the rest of us might already have lost this battle that has been so long in getting to this place where ugliness abounds-and the real light-just like the real answers that are currently in very short supply are almost non-existant. This happens as it does because of the third principle involved here. We have settled for diploma-mills, instead of demanding real educations for everyone in the country.
The 'education' that has been lost here concerns the basic facts of life on the streets, which is far more important than any ivory-tower academy view of higher learning can ever provide. This society cannot differentiate between what are obvious lies and what passes for the truth, and most of this happens because we have turned 'the news' into just another part of entertainment for a personal film, that is for far too many a tragedy-without-end: All because we refuse to pay attention to the basic minimums for life or dreams. When any society forgets the basics of existence then it is doomed to the ash heaps of history, by definition, because no society that fails to deal with those things that must be dealt with, for basic survival, can ever survive beyond the few 'next' generations, that it takes to replace the necessities of life with one's personal self-absorption in the bread and circuses of political persuasion. . .
1) Mysterious Dark Energy Confirmed
Dark Energy: Astronomers Hot on Trail of Mysterious Force
2) Zombie Nation  video
3) The Machinery of Hopelessness