Tuesday, 26 May 2009

  "But Mr. President, You're asking Israel to do what now?"

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The new U.S. Administration is tying together Israel's 'progress' on establishing a Palestinian State in it's heartland, to it helping with the Iranian nuclear threat on Israel.  U.S. President Obama also is reported to have said that he would like to see the U.N. flag flying over our holy places in our capital city.
The world wants more money ....and more concessions, to be made for the Arabs in the Palestinian Authority, which will be to the detriment of Israel, and eventually the West. Why? 

Why is pressure on Israel increasing even after Israeli concessions and hand-overs have shown  that it has left a bad situation worse and even more dangerous?
Is this a result of the new administration in the White House, or has this been a long term policy which has
 gone unnoticed?

Dr. Eugene Narrettauthor of several books on the culture-clashes of the east and the west, and their common hatred towards Israel, as well as a book on 'Israel and the Endtimes', joins Tamar and talks about what is really going on behind the thinking of Washington, the EU, and Teheran. 

Note our Interviews with Prof Narrett right side  scroll down Conversations to Remember