Friday, May 15, 2009
Food for Thought on Nuclear Threats

Six decades after the defeat of Nazi Germany, compelling evidence was unearthed that Hitler was closer to developing acquiring atomic weapons than anyone knew. In fact, Nazi Germany may have actually built and tested radioactive dirty bombs. Click here for the story.
Thirty years after the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, as China Confidential recently noted (clickhere), the United States learned that the Soviet Union had smuggled 100 tactical nuclear weapons into Cuba in addition to strategic nuclear missiles.
Despite previous assurances to the contrary, the U.S. now concedes that North Korea has developed nuclear warheads and not simply a dozen or so crude nuclear bombs.
And Pakistan's arsenal of nuclear missiles, once thought to be somehow secure and immune from terrorist attack, is now in danger of falling into the hands of the resurgent Taliban and Al Qaeda.
All of which is food for thought as the Obama administration refuses to set a deadline for negotiations with nuclear-arming Iran, a country whose leaders muse openly about a "world without America and Israel."