Sunday, 31 May 2009

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.


MPs' expenses: At least Ann Winterton stood up for our troops in Iraq

Ann Winterton has been tireless in exposing the Ministry of Defence?s disastrous misjudgments over vehicles given to the Army in Iraq and Afghanistan, says Christopher Booker.

30 May 2009

No wonder voters can't be bothered

European Parliament in Strasbourg

Virtually nothing we can do in the European elections on Thursday will have any real influence in deciding how we are governed, says Christopher Booker.

30 May 2009

MPs' expenses: How MPs voted to tax the Queen ? and quietly exempted themselves

Normally, when any of us are given perks in lieu of salary, the taxman insists we should pay tax on them. Not so, in the case of MPs, says Christopher Booker.

23 May 2009

Now the world faces its biggest ever bill

Blowing in the wind: a piper marks the opening of Whitelee, near Glasgow, Europe's largest onshore wind farm

One of the mysteries of our time is how impossible it is to interest people in the mind-boggling sums cited by governments as the cost of the measures to "stop climate change", says Christopher Booker.

23 May 2009

At least Prince Charles and I still agree on architecture

It was entertaining last week to see how the Prince of Wales' humane views on architecture can still provoke frothing at the mouth from modernist architectural fanatics, says Christopher Booker.

16 May 2009

Allowance system was founded on deception

MPs are told they can claim their "allowances" as an automatic right, so long as they go through the charade of handing in largely meaningless invoices, says Christopher Booker.

16 May 2009

Climate change: The elements conspire against the warmists

An international team of scientists has used the latest electro-magnetic induction equipment to discover that the Arctic ice is in fact "twice as thick" as they had expected, says Christopher Booker.

09 May 2009

A look in the EU's unbalanced books

The EU's former chief accountant has laid bare endemic corruption, but our own politicians are too emasculated to care, says Christopher Booker.

09 May 2009

Greenhouse gases raise temperatures online

I am sorry to have misread some of Lord Stern’s figures on CO2, saysChristopher Booker, but I'm still concerned that our Government’s leading adviser on climate change has such a wildly optimistic view of the supposed benefits of wind power.

02 May 2009

Battle rages over our tragic failure in Afghanistan

There is a fierce conflict between the MoD, determined to conceal how far its strategy is failing in Afghanistan, and other Government players who realise our policy must be completely rethought, says Christopher Booker.

02 May 2009

Our military humiliation in Afghanistan is a scandal - and the cover-up is an even greater one

The under-funded British Army is being forced to make the same mistakes in Afghanistan that it made in Iraq, says Christopher Booker.

25 Apr 2009

French fishermen speak out against the 'frightening' imprisonment of British comrades

The French see the treatment of the McBrides as a dire warning of the way EU law will be enforced in Europe's fishing communities, saysChristopher Booker.

18 Apr 2009

'Save the planet' rhetoric soars to new heights

The terrifying threat of global warming is beginning to turn people's minds, observes Christopher Booker.

19 Apr 2009