Wednesday, 27 May 2009

David Cameron said

“… so many people increasingly feel that the state is their enemy not their ally.”


Cabinet of Tax Evaders

Tax DodgersTelegraph Cabinet Tax DodgersWhen Gordon Brown introduced the 50p tax rate he said that “it is right that those that earn more pay more”. Obviously that is except if they sit around his cabinet table.  If the cabinet paid tax on their perks like the rest of us have to they would be well into the £150,000 / 50p tax bracket, of course by awarding themselves tax free perks they evade paying the higher tax rate.   A cabinet salary package with grace and favour residence thrown in is worth well over £250,000.

Government limos go untaxed, whereas company cars are heavily taxed.  £400 a month for groceries is a tax free for politicians, whereas anything more than a couple of quid subsistence sandwich is taxed for the ordinary travelling salesman.  The mortgage subsidy alone is worth some £40,000, it is a tax free perk for cabinet members.  Stamp duty is not a tax that troubles those who tax us, they charge it to us taxpayers.  Against clear HMRC rules they even charge the cost of tax advice to the taxpayer.

Taxpayers have seen their burden go up and up while the governing classes live like Soviet era nomenklatura above the law with untaxed perks denied to ordinary workers.  This is just spitting in the face of the taxpaying voters.