Wednesday, 20 May 2009


>> WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2009

I'm not surprised that BBC Trust chairman Sir Michael Lyons claims the Conservative proposal to freeze the license tax for one year is "a recipe for curbing the BBC editorial independence". Those whose snouts are plunged in the trough of public funding will naturally squeal when they are asked to refrain from gluttonous spending. In my view the Conservative proposal is entirely inadequate - we do not need to see a freeze for one year, we need to see dramatic reduction. This country is in a profound economic recession - everywhere one looks there are cut-backs, wage cuts, jobs losses - since WHEN did the BBC become immune from these realities. The Commons debate on this will be interesting to observe insofar as we will see are ANY MP's committed to the principle of cutting back the scope of the State Broadcaster. As for Lyons and his silly claim that editorial independence is compromised through prudent budgetary restraint - is there anybody out there who buys that?


>> TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2009

Have you been following the BBC's fawning coverage of Obama's assault on the US car owners or as the media prefer to put it, his tough new emissions standards to help save the world? Naturally the BBC only present one side of the story - for the OTHER side, try here.


To quote the Bard "Nothing in his life became him like the leaving of it," says Malcom in MacBeth referring to the traitorous Thane of Cawdor. When it comes to Speaker Michael Martin, I think nothing in his political life becomes him. Period.

But I tuned in to BBC PM and there was Nick Robinson gushing sympathy for this Glaswegian clown. As sickening as Robinson's cloying words were, the "tributes" to Gorbals Mick from other not so honourable members were even worse. And here's a question for you; is it possible for the BBC to get throughany item on Profligate without referring to Douglas Hogg and his moat? Maybe the mote in BBC eyes stops them also frequently highlighting Lib-Dem greed, for example? I fully accept that ALL the political pigs had their snouts in the trough but BBC coverage seems to damn Labour and Conservatives whilst giving Cleggy and co a free pass.

Finally, did anyone else find it a trifle odd to hear the BBC interview Peter Hain of ALL people on political integrity? Surreal.

PS Just spotted this BBC headline re Trougher Martin. "Pricky, decent, lonely, kind..." - I think I'm going to be sick. How about "Arrogant, biased, greedy inept?"