Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Congressional Commission: 
“…the United States should take steps to reduce 
the vulnerability of the nation…to attacks 
with weapons designed to produce 
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effects.” 

by Guy Rodgers 
Executive Director

(Note: this is not the same commission referenced in emails last week, so please read on) 

Dear Harold, 

During the past few years warnings about the financial dangers in the sub-prime mortgage market were issued – and unheeded – numerous times. Warnings to the SEC about Bernie Madoff’s investment program were issued – and unheeded – numerous times. 

Because these warnings were ignored, many Americans, probably including you, have paid quite a price. I know my IRA suffered. 

Don’t you wish government officials had paid attention before the meltdown happened? Now try to imagine the price we all will pay if government officials do not heed the warnings of an EMP attack – and such an attack happens and wipes out 70% or more of our power grid. 

Over the past week Brigitte Gabriel and I have sent you two series of emails describing the seriousness of an EMP threat and actions America must take to prevent it from ever happening. Why? Because we want to make sure every ACT! for America member understands this threat, and because we don’t want any of us to be in the position of wishing the warnings were heeded AFTER an EMP attack occurs. 

The more we have reviewed the various studies on this issue, the more we ask ourselves “why hasn’t America taken action?” Could it be it’s just human nature to not want to think about nationwide chaos, destruction and death? Could it be elected officials don’t want to appear alarmist, or people assume that the complete shutdown of most of our electrical grid simply couldn’t happen? 

Perhaps this helps explain the following:
We note also that the United States has done little to reduce its vulnerability to attack with electromagnetic pulse weapons and recommend that current investments in modernizing the national power grid take account of this risk…
These words were not penned by a bunch of wild-eyed alarmists. These words come from theExecutive Summary of a report released just this year by the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States. 

The Congressional Commission was chaired by William Perry, Defense Secretary under President Clinton. Other members include former Democratic Senator John Glenn, former Democratic Representative Lee Hamilton, and former CIA Director James Woolsey, a member of our “sister” organization American Congress for Truth’s Board of Advisors. 

Is anybody listening? 

This is why Brigitte and I have spent as much time on this as we have over the past week. The Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack spent nearly eight years studying this threat, and released its report on the threat of an EMP attack to our national infrastructures last year. Less than a year later a congressional commission releases a report that includes similar conclusions and cause for concern. 

Is anybody listening? 

The wisest, most prudent, most responsible, and least painful course of action is for the United States to begin dealing with this threat today. The good news is, we don’t have to remain vulnerable. We still have time to defend ourselves, and as Brigitte noted last week, we can do so at a cost that is a fraction of what is being spent on “stimulus” packages and “bailouts.” 

As Lisa Piraneo, our new Director of Government Relations, observes, what is lacking is sufficient national attention to this threat and thus a lack of political will in Washington. 

This is why we have launched our 2009 plan to combat the EMP threat. Even if the odds are only 1 in 5, or 1 in 10, that a country like Iran or a terrorist organization were to successfully trigger an EMP attack that knocked out 70% of our electrical grid, why would we want to take such a chance when we can protect ourselves? 

Or why, if we could protect ourselves, would we want to leave ourselves open to nuclear blackmail from a radical Islamist organization that is threatening an EMP attack? 

So in this final email of this series, Brigitte and I are appealing to you to join us in getting our campaign to combat the EMP threat launched. If you’ve already become a Contributing Member or Patriot Partner to help us move this forward, we thank you. I can’t tell you how encouraging it is when members like you join us in projects like this – especially one as important as this one. 

If you haven’t yet responded, will you take action today?
  • If you’re not already a monthly contributing Patriot Partner, click here to sign up. For monthly gifts of $10 to $100 we have special benefits for you. You simply select the level of monthly gift you can make, and we’ll send you the benefit(s) for that Patriot Partner gift level. Our online donation form is easy to use, safe and secure.
  • Click here to make a one-time gift through our “Contributing Member” program. Select the gift amount you are able to make and we’ll send you the benefit(s) for that level of gift. If you prefer to mail a check rather than use our online donation form, you can click here to print out a form to fill out and mail in with your contribution.
If you are still undecided, please ponder these words from the Congressional Commission report issued just recently:
“The United States is highly vulnerable to attack with weapons designed to produce electromagnetic pulse effects.”
We have tailored our 2009 campaign to combat the EMP threat after the recommendations found in the reports of these commissions. Therefore there is credibility in what we want done and we believe at least some of our proposals will be seriously considered by lawmakers. We’re not starting from scratch. 

As the Congressional Commission notes:
“The EMP commission has recommended numerous measures that would mitigate the damage that might be wrought by an EMP attack.”
Now it’s our turn to, as Brigitte put it, be modern “Paul Revere’s,” to warn America about the disastrous consequences of an EMP attack. I’m appealing to you to join our campaign to combat an EMP attack so that we can do everything we can to ensure that the warnings of a destructive EMP attack are heard and acted on. 

Because the price of inaction is simply too high. Please sign up to be a 
Patriot Partner orContributing Member today. When you sign up to become a Patriot Partner or make a one-time gift as a Contributing Member, you will see different levels of support. For each level of support we’ll send you a gift or gifts as our way of saying “thank you.” (If you prefer to become a Contributing Member by mailing in your contribution, please click here to print out a reply form). 

How many of us look back and wish preventive action had been taken BEFORE the sub-prime meltdown happened? 

Let’s do all we can NOW to prevent an EMP attack before it happens. Because one second after it occurs will be too late. 

Yours for America, 


Guy Rodgers 


ACT for America 
P.O. Box 12765 
Pensacola, FL 32591 