Tuesday, 26 May 2009

eu reform treaty

EU hopeful quits party
Manchester Evening News - Manchester,England,UK
It is campaigning for greater `accountability, transparency and democracy' in the European Union, and rejects the controversial Treaty of Lisbon. ...
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COLUMN-Five more years of EU's Barroso? Paul Taylor
Alibaba News Channel - New York,NEW YORK,USA
On economic and social policy, financial regulation and reform of the EU's budget, he has often been timid, feeling shackled by a lack of consensus. ...
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Slow forest tenure reform threatens action Africa's' against ...
Africa Science News Service - Nairobi,Kenya
The study by the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), a UN treaty-based agency, and the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), ...
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A new politics: Electoral reform
guardian.co.uk - UK
We will therefore hold a referendum on the Lisbon treaty; pass a law requiring a referendum to approve any further transfers of power to the EU; ...
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Times Online
Alan Johnson breaks cover to call for vote on electoral reform
Times Online - UK
Let the parties propose electoral changes in their manifesto and we vote on it at the next GE No need for a referendum on the EU treaty, that's why we have ...
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Times Online
Alan Johnson seizes initiative over Labour leadership
Times Online - UK
How about a chance to vote on the EU? As long as we are in the EU, and ruled by the dictatorship of EU bureaucrats, any reform of parliament is a complete ...
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Cameron is talking the talk on the reform Britain needs | Coffee House
By James Forsyth
So a progressive reform agenda demands that we redistribute power from the EU to Britain, and from judges to the people.” Cameron goes on to say “We will therefore hold a referendum on the Lisbon treaty” and pledge that the Tories will ...
Spectator Live - http://www.spectator.co.uk/a-ljpost/login-ritalina104
ConservativeHome's Parliament Page: League tables published for ...
By ConservativeHome
Voted to respect the outcome of the pending legally-binding Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty 8. Voted in favour of opening Europe up to trade with developing countries 9. Achieved good attendance at the Parliament's voting sessions ... Voted against 'hypocritical' EU subsidies to tobacco farmers 5. Voted to reform the CAP and discontinue subsidies to tobacco farmers 6. Voted not to clear the European Parliament's accounts for 2006 due to 75% unaccounted expenditure ...
ConservativeHome's Parliament Page - http://conservativehome.blogs.com/parliament/
Tories & UUP – 'as tight as arse-cheeks' « Bobballs!
By bobballs
There is some of that in here (particularly around Lisbon Treaty) but there is a surprising amount that could keep a reasonable pro-European happy. Consider this bit: 'The economic benefits are also profound: trade between the UK and the ... 'We will resist efforts to set target dates for future members or to draw up a 'final border' for the EU. As an interim measure, applicant countries should be able to participate in the EU's Neighbourhood Policy, without that being ...
Bobballs! - http://bobballs.wordpress.com/
The Devil's Kitchen: Yet more evidence...
By Devil's Kitchen
So, despite the fact that the Lisbon Treaty (or EU Constitution, whatever you want to call it) was voted down by the people of Ireland, France and the Netherlands, the powers that be in the EU are starting to enact it into law anyway. ... It is events like this that act as salient reminders that the reform of Westminster is a moot point: since our MPs do not control the majority of legislation that passes through the House, it little matters how they act. ...
The Devil's Kitchen - http://devilskitchen.me.uk/