Everything is OK (In London) Danny Shine and Charlie Veitch go out to St Paul's Cathedral, the London Stock Exchange, and the Bank of England spreading a universal message of peace and love; namely, that EVERYTHING IS OK. These are our experiences with the people who do not want that message told to the fine citizenry of London. We do learn, however, that most places are designated as (the illusory) "private property" and as such freedom of speech, human rights, and normal human decency do not apply. . AstraZeneca 'Pushed Drug For Untested Uses' 'AstraZeneca launched a public relations push to get doctors to prescribe its best-selling psychiatric drug Seroquel for a string of uses that were not approved by safety regulators, according to a damning internal document released yesterday. The UK's second biggest drug maker is being sued by 16,000 patients in the US for "spinning, skewing and concealing" information on the drug's potential side-effects, including diabetes and weight gain, and lawyers unearthed emails and strategy documents showing what they say are repeated violations of the law.' Aussie Food Police to Patrol Lunchboxes of Kindergarten Kids 'Food police will be patrolling kindergarten and childcare centres to eliminate unhealthy lunchbox food under strict new guidelines to be adopted by federal health officials. Childcare representatives from around Australia will converge on Sydney today for an introduction to the national scheme set to be rolled out through childcare centres from July 1. Some Gold Coast centres already operate under their own strict lunchbox policies and will be largely unaffected by the new national guidelines, already sending unhealthy treats back home . As part of the Federal Government's $4.5 million war on obesity, the first uniform national rules of their kind would see childcare workers take on extra responsibilities as nutritional watchdogs.' British Motorcyclist Electronically Tagged For Dropping Sweets 'A motorcyclist has told how he was electronically tagged for four months and given a 36-hour community order – for dropping mint imperials while riding. Thomas Payne, 19, must be at home from 8pm till 6am under the terms of his ankle tag after police spotted the trail of sweets left by his Yamaha DT175. A police charge notice said he had ‘intentionally and without authority or reasonable cause, caused sweets to be on a road, namely Lancaster Circus, in such circumstances that it would have been obvious to a reasonable person that to do so would be dangerous’ contrary to the Road Traffic Act. Payne insists: “They were just falling out of my pocket. Because of the time they followed me for they said I should have known".' UNESCO and the New World Order: In their Own Words 'In the wake of the last Bilderberg conference, we bare witness to a great darkening front closing in on us yet another few inches toward total world domination. The alert observers saw it coming for a long time; the thoroughly indoctrinated are only now beginning to sense that something is rotten in the state of Denmark. How could this have happened without us knowing? And where were the media during our collective comatose suspension? Well, they were busy taking crash courses in ‘educational-operations’ crafted by members of the elite- who are all into streamlining the different media-outlets towards a single purpose, a single hive-mind for us to assimilate into. If you have the misfortune of being born after 1970, you have effectively been put under the spell of this new educational system, dripping into every segment of public life: from broadcasting media and newspapers, to readymade textbooks being used in school and, even, big budget motion pictures flickering predictive programming to be subliminally absorbed.' Government Critics to be Sent to Mental Asylums? 'Mr X, who had called Jacqui Smith a communist, was stunned to be told that the GP had received a letter from the highly secretive Fixated Threat Assessment Centre following instructions from the Home Secretary herself.' Cap and Trade is a License to Cheat and Steal 'One of James Bond’s first movies captured attention with the title “License to Kill.” Today, Washington, D.C., is setting the stage to compete with Hollywood in the sensational headlines market. Members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee are in the process of scripting climate change legislation worthy of being titled “License to Cheat and Steal.”This cap-and-trade bill — actually called the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, or the Waxman-Markey bill — would mandate severe reductions in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Since emissions are mostly generated by energy use (heating your home, cooling your groceries, driving to work, etc.), these targets would effectively mandate energy rationing. Since these targets are not based on economic or technological realities, there can only be one outcome: much higher energy prices.'Thursday, 21 May 2009 Thursday, 21 May 2009 Thursday, 21 May 2009 Thursday, 21 May 2009 Thursday, 21 May 2009 Thursday, 21 May 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
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Britannia Radio