Exclusive poll
Two in five shun three main political parties
After 10 days of headlines that have devastated Parliament, The IoS
reveals the strength of the public revolt against mainstream politics
By Jane Merrick and Brian Brady
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Disenchantment among the British electorate with the three main parties
is at a record high after 10 days of revelations about the expenses
claims of the nation's MPs.
Two in five say they will refuse to vote or select one of the minor
parties, such as the Greens or Ukip, rather than support the Tories,
Labour or the Liberal Democrats, a ComRes poll shows.
The figures presented on the front page today are percentages for the
entire electorate, and so include the 23 per cent who say they will not
vote in the Westminster elections. They also include 17 per cent who
will consider voting for a minor party – and that could prove a big
opportunity for the Greens and Ukip at the forthcoming European polls,
where they would be expected to do much better than in the first-past-
the-post system.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
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Britannia Radio