Thursday, 21 May 2009

Featured Stories

Experts: Plot underscores threat from independent attackers

Police arrested four suspects May 21, 2009, of allegedly plotting to bomb two synagogues in the Bronx, including the Riverdale Temple.
Police arrested four suspects May 21, 2009, of allegedly plotting to bomb two synagogues in the Bronx, including the Riverdale Temple.
The arrest of four men accused of plotting to attack two Bronx synagogues underscores the threat to Jewish targets by individuals or small groups, several experts said. Read more »

Plots against Jewish targets in U.S.

A list of several plots against Jewish targets in the United States planned by lone attackers or small, independent groups. Read more »

Fruits of the Bibi-Obama meeting?

Just days after the big Bibi-Obama meeting in Washington, Israel has dismantled an illegal settlement outpost in the West Bank and Benjamin Netanyahu announced he's ready to talk peace with Syria.

Breaking News

Nearly three-quarters of Americans say their country won't be safe with a nuclear-armed Iran.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was willing to begin peace talks with Syria.
Israeli leaders vowed that all of Jerusalem will remain Israel's undivided capital as hundreds of eastern Jerusalem Arabs and their supporters protested against Jerusalem Day celebrations.
A Canadian Jewish human rights group is calling on the LBGT community to reject a "queers" anti-Israel apartheid program in Toronto.
Three Palestinian women have been arrested in two separate attempts to stab Israeli soldiers.
Ehud Olmert will have prostate cancer surgery in New York.
Palestinian police shot and wounded two undercover Israeli soldiers in the West Bank city of Kalkilya.
Israeli security forces evacuated an illegal outpost.
The United States will fully fund the development and production of the Arrow 3 ballistic missile defense system, the Jerusalem Post reported.
The president of Egypt has canceled his trip to the United States because of the death of his 12-year-old grandson.
Remains from the First Temple period were discovered in eastern Jerusalem.
In a move that bodes well for Israelis targeted for war crimes, Spain's Congress has moved to limit judges' jurisdiction in cases involving events occurring overseas.
The head of a United Nations team investigating Israel's military operation in Gaza will hold public hearings on the matter.