The Obama government has made known it's commitment to go full steam ahead with pressuring Israel into a two state solution (an Arab terrorist entity on Jewish Land) which most Israeli's recognize to be the final solution. Although Bibi Netanyahu convinced many voters that he is against further expulsions in order to facilitate the continuance of the suicidal Bush road map, those who know Bibi well remember that he gave away Hevron and voted for the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif until it was politically expedient to change his mind. Bibi of yesterday appears to be the Bibi of today.
Bibi has never come out against the ill conceived Land for Peace formula and his appointment of Ehud Barak-the man who ordered the beating of women and children in Amona-defense minister speaks volumes as did sending Shimon Peres as his emissary to the recent AIPAC conference.
Obama is linking American cooperation dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat to Israel (cutting it's own throat) by evacuating outposts (settlements in the making) In reality, the destruction of new Jewish communities and the creation of an Arab State on Jewish soil poses a greater threat to Israel and the rest of the world than the Iranian threat.
Israel 's leaders have not learned the lesson of Judenrat according to a statement by Moshe Feiglin. According to Moshe Feiglin , the leader of the opposition inside the Likud party, " Israel's leadership is now attempting to buy quiet from the US and Iran by selling out the settlers. It has not learned from the lesson of the Judenrat. Sacrificing Yitzhar to the enemy will bring Bushehr to Tel Aviv."
The Judenrat (Jewish government leaders) was required to carry out Nazi directives against other Jews, to supply forced labor, and eventually to cooperate in the Final Solution.
The destruction of the Jewish communities will bring the Iranian nuclear reactor to Israel’s shores.
Manhigut Yehudit is the largest faction inside the Likud party, and strives to
Turn the State of the Jews into The Jewish State.
Am Yisrael Chai.