Friday, 8 May 2009

Friday, 08 May 2009

Harvard Medical School Professors are Paid Big Bucks by Big Pharma to Push Meds

'Pressure is building on Harvard Medical School to better regulate the massive gifts and consulting fees that faculty members regularly receive from drug companies, with increasing attention being drawn to the great potential for conflict of interest in such relationships.

"Before coming here, I had no idea how much influence companies had on medical education," said first-year medical student David Tian. "And it's something that's purposely meant to be under the table, providing information under the guise of education when that information is also presented for marketing purposes".'


Friday, 08 May 2009

FDA Floats Hydroxycut Scare to Discredit Yet Another Supplement Company

'After tens of millions of doses of Hydroxycut were taken by consumers, one person died. This, along with reports of a few dozen liver-related side effects, caused the FDA to push for an industry-wide recall of virtually all Hydroxycut products. The thinking behind the warning? The risk of side effects is very low, but the FDA doesn't believe consumers should be exposed to such risks.

Not from a dietary supplement, anyway. When it's from a vaccine or a pharmaceutical, such risks are deemed "acceptable" by the FDA. Remember the outcry over the COX-2 inhibitor drug Vioxx and the testimony by Dr. David Graham of the FDA who calculated the drug killed over 60,000 Americans? That drug was voted "safe" by an FDA panel even after its own manufacturer voluntarily recalled it from the market!

When it comes to pharmaceuticals, you see, killing 60,000 Americans is no big deal. But when a dietary supplement is linked to a single death, that's more than enough for the FDA to spring into action with its spin machine to destroy the credibility of the dietary supplement in question.'


Friday, 08 May 2009

David Rothschilds 'Climate Change' Advert

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Friday, 08 May 2009

EU urges Obama to Support Terror Cult

'After removing an anti-Iranian terror group from their blacklist, European Union lawmakers are now urging President Barack Obama to follow suit. More than 100 members of the European Parliament have tried to persuade the US president to lift an American ban on the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), AFP reported on Thursday.

The MKO, which identifies itself as a Marxist-Islamist guerilla army, was founded in Iran in the 1960s but was exiled some twenty years later for carrying out numerous acts of terrorism inside the country.'