Wednesday 13 May 2009


Israel's Audacity

Iyar 17, 5769, 11 May 09 11:28
by Jack Engelhard
( King David - writing 3,000 years ago, but always as current as today and as prophetic as tomorrow - begins his second Psalm like this: "Why are the nations in an uproar [against Israel]?"
There is no end to this rhetorical question.
Here's a headline from today's Philadelphia Inquirer: "International Community Alarmed Over Israel's Settlement Expansion." (Alarmed!)
This, from the Associated Press: "UN Report Faults Israel Over Gaza."
In its Sunday edition, the New York Times offers this quote from a UN official: "Everything Israel does now will be highly contentious." (This is news?)
The backdrop - the back story - is this administration's Nuremberg Approach toward Israel. The Nuremberg Laws' sole purpose was to deprive the Jews of their rights as citizens, eventually to disown them, displace them and prepare them for annihilation. A third of all Jews thus perished.
Again, as before, Israel is to be faulted for everything, even Iran's Islamic Bomb. This, then, is not a new policy. It is an old policy refreshed and on steroids.
Speaking at an Irvine synagogue, professor and best-selling author Sam Harris told a Jewish gathering that Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish nation. We do not know if this intellectual objects to Poland being Polish, China being Chinese, and so forth on to the other 191 members that make up the United Nations. We can guess that Mr. Harris is comfortable with the world as it is, except for Israel.
The enlightened California Jewish congregation agreed with Harris and gave him a standing ovation.
Why are the nations in an uproar? No such uproar, however, for the news from Sri Lanka, where 378 civilians were killed and more than 1,100 wounded in clashes between the military and the Tamil Tigers. The uproar is reserved for Israel. Pharaoh said it first: "This people, they grow too numerous. Come, let us deal treacherously with them."
Springtime for Pharaoh (and all the other Pharaohs who knew not Joseph) ended in 1948, when the Jews rekindled the Land of Israel. Suddenly, the nations could not toy with them as they had for the past 2,000 years. The Jews had always been so pliable, so convenient, such patsies, always vulnerable to snubs, insults, derision, hoots, whistles, slings, arrows, roundups, pogroms, expulsions, forced conversions, slavery, Holocausts.
Today, the universe is out of sync. The Jews have a home, an army, a navy, an air force. Attacked, they fight back. How dare they! What happened to the good old days when the Jews were so handy for sport? Exiled, scattered, the Jews were property. How pleasant it was when the Jews were so easily maneuvered and persecuted.
We want them back, say the nations. We want them bowed and cowed. President Shimon Peres has already been shown the door. He entered and departed the White House through the kitchen. He was taught a lesson. In Toulouse, once a year the grand rabbi had to get himself to the cathedral for a ceremonial slap across the face.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been ordered to headquarters. He has already been told to bring along a suicide note.
He's been told that virtually all the nations of the world are lined up against Israel. (The vultures are gathering. They hunger for the carcass and squabble for the leftovers.) Israel must concede, retreat, disperse and surrender in favor of a 23rd Arab nation. Israel must give up, give in, to live in "peace and security" under the lordship of the same people whose gift to the world was the suicide bomber. Israel must pay for its audacity of hope.
After all, this people, they grow too numerous.
Perhaps, as before, say the nations, the Jews can be placed in cattle cars and be "relocated."
King David goes on to say, "Now, therefore, O ye kings, be wise. Be admonished, ye judges of the Earth.... Beware the day of His wrath."
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