In the comments to David's recent post on Jacqui Smith's list of people denied access to Britain, Not A Sheep has pointed out an example of BBC bias that achieves a sort of holy perfection. Take a look at this BBC effort to inform the public: Who is on UK 'least wanted' list?. What do Abdullah Qadri Al Ahdal, Yunis Al Astal, Safval Hijazi and the wonderfully named Wadgy Abd El Hameid Mohamed Ghoneim all have in common? That's right. They are all preachers. Of something or other. Mike Guzovsky, however, is a Jewish militant. Oops, sorry. I got that wrong. Amir Siddique is the fourth preacher-of-no-particular-message. Wadgy Abd El Hameid Mohamed Ghoneim is actually a "speaker and writer". He speaks and writes about we know not what. As Not A Sheep says: So my question to the BBC is this: why is it relevant to identify the religions of the one Jew and the one Christian (couple) on the list but in the majority of cases to leave the religion of Muslims on the list unidentified?Just simple preachers.
>> TUESDAY, MAY 05, 2009
...there are eight Muslim "extremists" on the list (four of whom are described as preachers) but only one is identified as a follower of Islam, there is one Jew on the list and his religion is identified in the first word of his description, the American pastor's religion is not directly named but as he is a "pastor" of a "Baptist church" that is not too tricky to deduce.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
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Britannia Radio