Labour Enters the No Fly Zone
Iain Dale 8:35 PM

The ICM poll in tomorrow's Sunday Telegraph on general election voting intention makes devastating reading for Labour supporters. And it becomes even worse when you look at the figures for the Euro Elections...

The figures for UKIP seem to be at odds with YouGov who put them in second place on 19%. The rise in the support for the LibDems seems to come from disillusioned Labour supporters.
There has been much comment in recent days about the complete disappearance of Gordon Brown from our TV screens. Apart from one sighting kissing a baby he is nowhere to be seen. But he's not alone. Not a single Cabinet Minister is making an appearance on the political programmes this weekend. Astonishing, bearing in mind polling day is only four days away.
I think we are about to enter momentous times. Gordon Brown is presumably spending all his time wargaming the post elections scenarios. Everyone assumes he wants to hold a major, snap reshuffle. That's what beleaguered prime ministers do. But I think Brown is planning something much bigger. What is it? Frankly, neither I nor anyone else has the faintest idea. A general election? resignation? Take your choice. But whatever it is, I suspect I am going to regret taking a short trip to America at the end of next week...
Hattip for graphics to ConservativeHome
UPDATE: Gordon Brown is apparently on Marr tomorrow.