Home Secretary Jacqui Smith Accused in Court of Fraud - BBC
Nick Clegg’s Hypocrisy on Lord Rennard - Agent Orange
McCarthy-Style Witchunt Driving MPs to Suicide - Nadine Dorries
MacKay Must Go - ConservativeHome
For His Next Trick, Gordon Hits Himself - Simon Carr
Rennard : Who’s Been a Naughty Boy Then? - Suz Blog
Labour’s NEC Says McBride Membership Welcome - Paul Waugh
Hogg Shall Pork No More - BBC
John Being John - Paul Waugh
FoI : Downing Street Gives Me Some Emails - Iain Dale
Expensegate: Naming a Scandal - New York Times
Little People No Longer Look Up to the Big - Rachel Sylvester
Taxodus : Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich - WSJ
Grassroots: Take Whip from Fiddling MPs - LabourHome
In the Name of God… Go, Call Election Now - Sun
SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2009
Conservative MP Andrew MacKay who quit as an aide to David Cameron over an "unacceptable" expenses claim has been grilled by his constituents.
More than 350 tickets were requested for the public meeting with the Bracknell MP.
Mr MacKay, who is married to Tory MP Julie Kirkbride, claimed second homes allowances on two separate properties.
The MP has since apologised but vowed to stand at the next general election.
He spoke to BBC Political Correspondent Peter Henley after the meeting - but was heckled by members of the public.
Dizzy has the scoop:
Some interesting developments have happened overnight. Nadine Dorries has seen the blog part of her website instantly taken down after she made allegations against the owners of the Telegraph Group, Sir David Barclay and Sir Frederick Barclay.
Lawyers acting for the Barclay brothers, Withers, instructed the takedown to Acidity via mail last night, citing the Acceptable User Policy. The takedown will be bolstered by the Godfrey vs Demon precendent, where an order can be made and it will be done instantly.
She did make some off the wall allegations on the blog, she is clearly angry with the Telegraph, but accusing the Barclay brothers of setting out to destabilise the political establishment because they favour UKIP and the BNP was a bit barmy. It did lead Guido to suggest yesterday that Nadine Needs a Holiday.
The blog is still available in the Google cache.
The Telegraph has put out this tactful explanation as to how they came into possession of the discs. Note no mention of money changing hands.