Monday, 18 May 2009

Determined to ram through its agenda for a new world order of which the EU is an important part,

May 18, 2009
No wonder British MPs turned to crime

Daily Mail, 18 May 2009

As is becoming more obvious by the day, the scale of public fury aroused by the parliamentary expenses scandal exceeds anything in living memory.

MPs have spent a torrid weekend facing — or fleeing — the wrath of their constituents.

Some even cancelled surgeries and other engagements and hid behind their moats and their mounds of ill-gotten manure.

Others may have even tried the novel experience of going to the shops to buy dog food, bath plugs and sparkly toilet seats out of their own pockets for the very first time.

Today the Commons Speaker, Michael Martin, faces a cross-party no-confidence motion.

The speedy ejection of this bullying shop steward of sleaze is essential for the restoration of parliamentary health.

His disgraceful tenure of this ancient post, trying to thwart proper scrutiny and transparency of MPs’ allowances, has done much to drag Parliament into the mire where it now wallows.

But his removal would be only a first step. Even the necessary root-and-branch reform of the expenses system would do little to remedy the far more profound alienation from politicians which now stands so graphically exposed.

This great eruption of public rage is surely a moment of catharsis.

The lid has finally blown clean off a boiling pot of disgust with an entire political class which seems to inhabit a totally different universe from the voters, divorced from their concerns and values and from the realities of everyday life.

If the opinion polls are to be believed, the result is likely to be a hugely increased vote for the fringe parties at the upcoming European Parliament elections.

This would be, however, more than a little perverse. For as the recipients of a protest vote against the corruption of democracy, these fringe parties leave much to be desired.

For all its slick repackaging, the BNP remains an odiously racist party, with its leader blurting out the fact that he doesn’t regard British citizens of Asian descent — indeed, any ethnic minority — as British at all.

He has a criminal conviction for a racist offence, and BNP members are regularly embroiled in ugly or even criminal displays and activities.

As for UKIP, that itself is tainted by corruption, with one of its former MEPs jailed for benefit fraud and another kicked out of the party after being charged with money-laundering.

So neither party is an attractive proposition — indeed, it will be deeply dismaying if the BNP in particular wins any seats at all.

Nevertheless, both stand to gain because they articulate key issues of overriding importance to the public — such as mass immigration and membership of the EU — but which the mainstream parties obdurately fail to address.

These issues are fundamental to the very identity of the country and its ability to govern itself at all. Indeed, their neglect can even be said to have contributed in no small measure to the expenses scandal.

This is because parliamentary democracy itself has become steadily emptied of meaning and purpose, leaving a vacuum which has been filled by corruption.

For more than three decades, Parliament has become increasingly powerless. In recent years, this was the result of the Labour Government deliberately outsourcing its powers — to the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembliy; to quangos, management consultancies or unelected advisers; or to the courts through human rights law.

But above all, the British Parliament has progressively surrendered its powers of national self-government to Europe, which has reduced the cradle of democracy to the status of little more than Westminster Regional Council.

This whole process was summed up in 1998 by Peter Mandelson, who observed with menacing perspicacity that ‘the era of pure representative government is coming slowly to an end’.

And now we can see the baleful results. For the resulting loss of purpose has made MPs much more likely to be petty and venal — not least because, when they stare in impotent envy at the European Union to which they have lost so much power, all they see is one giant gravy train.

Paradoxically, the diminution of Britain’s place in the world has gone hand in hand with an increase in the power of the State over its own citizens. Determined to ram through its agenda for a new world order of which the EU is an important part, the Labour Government increasingly concentrated power in itself while it steadily took it away from Parliament.

So there was more and more secondary legislation upon which MPs don’t have to vote, less and less time to debate important measures, and ever-tighter control by the party whips over MPs whose only career was in politics and who were, therefore, totally dependent for their livelihood upon political patronage.

The outcome was an empty Commons chamber as MPs found they had less and less to do — and employed their creativity instead in filling in their expenses forms.

Meanwhile, any objection to the utopian dream of a brotherhood of man that was being created in our multicultural society was ruthlessly suppressed through demonisation and character assassination of those who objected.

So public anxiety about the dramatic way the nation was changing under the impact of mass immigration was not only systematically ignored by politicians of all parties, but anyone who raised such concerns found themselves smeared as racists.

Similarly, as politicians of all parties ganged up to agree that there was no alternative to Britain being a member of the EU, anyone who queried this was denounced as a xenophobe and vilified as a swivel-eyed lunatic.

No wonder the BNP and UKIP are poised to make gains, for they seem to be articulating views the political class ignores.

The irony is that the Green Party is also set to prosper — even though, far from speaking up for the silent majority, it seeks to impose the Establishment’s fanatical dogma of man-made global warming.

The real crisis we face, and which has now come to such a spectacular head with the expenses scandal, is, therefore, nothing less than a crisis of democratic governance. So tackling it properly won’t be easy.

It won’t be enough to sack Speaker Martin, who must not be used as the fall-guy for a failure that is infinitely wider and deeper in scope.

It won’t be enough for MPs to pay back the money which, in a mass outbreak of collective amnesia over their already paid-off mortgages and myopia over where their families were actually living, many of them apparently never noticed they had claimed and that it was steadily filling up their bank accounts.

It won’t even be enough for a number of them to face criminal prosecution.

To cleanse the Augean stables, constituency parties should now be holding their members to account for every penny they have claimed.

Where they have ripped off, cheated or swindled the taxpayer they should be de-selected, and a General Election should be held forthwith.

The issue for that election should not merely be the integrity of political life. It should be about the need to uphold, repair and defend the historic identity and values of this nation and its ability to govern itself in accordance with those precepts.

Only then would the core issue behind the wholesale collapse of parliamentary honour be addressed — and the ground taken from beneath the feet of the fringe parties.

But where is the mainstream statesman who will make such a pitch?
