Memorial Day – and an Apology Withdrawn
It is obvious to me that Barack Obama has little regard for the military… and no, I won’t call him “President” until I see a real, honest-to-God birth certificate or see which nation’s Passport he used while traveling abroad as a college student. Was it American, British, or Kenyan? Neither document is difficult to produce.......
by Marilyn Barnewall
Homosexuals "born that way" - A con job
The massive push by sodomites and lesbians to sell their deviant sexual preferences based on "born that way," must be exposed because it is a lie. For the record and this column, I do not use the word 'gay' except as used in a media source. Using the word 'gay' to describe those who engage in sodomy is nothing more than clever marketing to distract people from what a homosexual does with another man. The word 'gay' is used to present an uplifting feeling instead of picturing what......
by Devvy Kidd
The H1N1 Virus - A Challenge for Mexico and the World
It’s commonly referred to as the “Swine Flu”, and in some circles as the “Mexican Flu” due to its outbreak in Mexico. Clinically it’s known as the Influenza A Virus Subtype AH1N1 Whatever you call it, it’s still spreading worldwide. Besides the threat to public health, H1N1 raises a number of cultural, political and diplomatic questions......
by Allan Wall
Immigration: An examination of the tragedy of the commons, Part 1
Even with all the war and unrest in many parts of the planet, we remain within the family of humanity. We all possess a stake in the future of our planet. We all laugh, love and cry. True, some of us practice brutality and many of our cultures prove derisive toward women. Humanity, in many ways, must be the cruelest animal on the planet, but pretends to be.......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 25 May 2009
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Britannia Radio