Sunday, 10 May 2009

Can the Republican party save America?
Will the Republican party get a backbone? Take the POLL and find out Poll

Reinventing Government With Democracy
Two of the goals for the Communist party U.S.A. in the sixties were to build the party membership with young recruits and build party strength with fellow travelers such as those listed as members of the ISS below. I often wondered how and when we moved from being a Republic to being a democracy. The average American today still believes we have our traditional Constitutional government.......
by Betty Freauf

Are You a Terrorist?
Although most Americans are probably still of the opinion that the main terrorist threat in our country comes from Muslim Jihadis, they are not the ones singled out in this report. They're not even mentioned, even though they were responsible for killing thousands of people on September 11, and for perpetrating other acts of violence using motor vehicles and firearms.....
by Larry Pratt

Unearned Veneration
The Biblical book of Esther tells an insightful story about Haman, the equivalent of Persia’s prime minister in 500 B.C. Haman demanded that all who were beneath him bow in reverence. But Mordechai, a prominent Jew who “sat in the king’s court,” refused to bow down before Haman. When Haman found out that Mordechai was a Jew, he set out to kill all of the Jews in the kingdom.......
by Rudy Takala