NWV Poll
What do you think of Notre Dame inviting Obama?
Did Notre Dame sell it's soul? Take the POLL and find out
--NewsWithViews.com Poll
The Job Patronage System
One guest on Beck’s show was Angelo from New Jersey whose family had a Chrysler dealership since the 1940s – “59 years and seven months,” he proudly said and they’d weathered other recessions successfully but in his hand he held a termination notice. It seems the government who now controls Chrysler told him he’d no longer have the dealership and that it was being given to a dealer two miles up the road – another Marxist trick causing “class warfare.” My mind rushed to the old rich guy, John D. Rockefeller who.......
by Betty Freauf
Read it Before It's Banned by the US Government, Part 5
An important narrative is told from Masonic Legend based partly on Talmudist and other traditions including Josephus (indirectly in the first book of Antiquities) wherein Enoch, here considered a father of Freemasonry and before he is translated into Metatron, is visited by his female counterpart—the Shekinah of God—and is given a vision of the end of the world. Because of his devotion to God, Enoch constructs nine hidden vaults underground at Mt. Moriah. The vaults are.......
by Thomas Horn
What can we do?
People ask, "What can we do about this?" The courts, both state and federal, have refused to address the issue. We hear rumors that judges, Supreme Court Justices, and elected representatives in Congress have been told to leave the issue alone, to not address it. If that is the case, as I and many others suspect.......
by Lynn Stuter
Waterboarding, abortion and liberal’s appalling inconsistency
Some Americans feel that interrogative waterboarding is “torture” and are quite worried that our enemies are subjected to this sort of practice. I find it appallingly inconsistent that they wring their hands over the alleged mistreatment of suspected terrorists and yet they fully support what goes on behind closed doors in abortion mills like Planned Parenthood........
by Marsha West
A Nation of Spouseless Mothers
The sociocrats are at it again! Here comes another ‘use-the-women’ program. This one is called “A Woman’s Nation.” None other than the wife of the California Governor was enlisted to launch the project and con other women into participating. She ought to know better, but obviously she does not. It seems plain to many of us that this project will be used to organize women to promote legislation that will destroy their own freedom. However, a good many naive females get all goosey bumpy about being called leaders and being asked for their uninformed opinions. They can hardly wait to participate........
by Erica Carle
Stop Bailing Out Government Schools
Across the country, politicians are responding to the inability of a population devastated by government-induced recession to support governments’ spending at levels they have grown accustomed to by threatening the closure of schools, firehouses, and other high-profile, highly-valued government “services.” I have opined elsewhere on the reasons that such high-profile programs—rather than the thousands of highly-paid bureaucrats whose functions are absolutely inessential—are identified first for cutting as the means to cut spending........
by Mary Theroux
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
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Britannia Radio