Thursday, 7 May 2009

Our second-rate politician turned Foreign Secretary has got his  
minions in the Foreign Office to write him an article on Britain and  
the EU.  It is so wildly anti-British - so wildly inaccuraste - so  
wildly insensitive - that I felt the only thing to do was to take it  
apart with a fine toothcomb and a laborious job it was too.  I hope I  
have adequately demolished. it.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
SPECTATOR                6.5.09

Hague’s Eu Policy Would Be Suicidal For Britain


The year ahead is crucial for the European Union.

Next month’s European elections are unlikely to be decided on 
European issues. But as Europe is the one foreign policy area where 
William Hague has said he has major differences with the government 
it is important to clarify what is at stake. As Conservatives 
commemorate the 30th anniversary of Mrs Thatcher’s election in 1979, 
they would do well to remember one reason it all ended in tears was 

The year ahead is crucial for the European Union. Can we strengthen 
the single market, despite the economic crisis, and so play our part 
in ensuring that there is no global slide towards protectionism? Will 
Europe lead the world to a deal on climate change to replace Kyoto? 
Can we make international supervision of the banking system more 
effective?  [We need better national sdupervision NOT bureauycratic 
international delay and procrastination and arguments - cs] My answer 
to all these questions is yes. But we can only reach this high level 
of achievement if the UK stays at the centre of things, shaping the 
EU debate as Gordon Brown has done during the economic crisis.  [This 
is absolute baldedash.  As the Germans say today The Lisbon Treaty is 
irrelevant to all of that - cs]

In foreign policy, equally important questions face us. The EU must 
decide the next steps for accession negotiations with Turkey and the 
countries of the western Balkans. We must reach out further to 
countries to the east and south. We must establish for the first time 
an economic and political partnership with Pakistan. We must take 
decisions — topical ones now — on whether to offer preferential trade 
with Sri Lanka. [Nothing in that list can be better dealt with by the 
Brussels-based bureaucracy which , as we have seen over Palestine,   
is a blueprint for INaction -cs] We will decide whether to build on 
the success of European security and defence policy missions in Chad 
and in the Gulf of Aden.  [NEITHER works!  Complete disasters! -cs]

European foreign policy is already a reality. We shouldn’t be afraid 
of it. It doesn’t and shouldn’t replace national foreign policy.  [It 
is a proven failure with Mr Solana going through the motions and 
achieving precisely NOTHING -cs] And it is nonsense to argue, as does 
the Tory defence spokesman, Liam Fox, that it is a threat to Nato. 
The Secretary General of Nato and President of the United States take 
precisely the opposite view. [Well. they would do, wouldn’t they! 
They don’t want to make it even worse.  Meanwhile France wants tyo 
replace NATO with a EU-based treaty where n obody’s troops but the 
the British are allowed to fight!  -cs] A more effective EU defence 
policy is a complement to Nato — just look at the partnership in 
Kosovo. [What?  A surrender to Albanian terrorists? -cs]

But while the EU is the largest single market in the world, it is too 
often a source of frustration to friends for the hesitant way it 
approaches its global role. That is why I want the Lisbon Treaty 
finally to pass this year. Then the EU can rationalise its foreign 
policy work under a High Representative, supported by an External 
Action Service, with both answerable to the 27 member states of the 
EU. And our summits with the USA, Russia and China will become a 
genuinely strategic dialogue led by a permanent President of the 
European Council.  [Britain would continually be outvoted.  Our 
interests are global - the other EU countries are continental.  It 
makes a difference Mr Miliband! -cs]

European foreign policy is both a reality and a necessity. If it did 
not exist, we would be struggling to create it. The question is 
whether it has a strong British stamp. And this is where Tory plans 
are so dangerous.
In the debates on the Lisbon Treaty   Kenneth Clarke, [UKIP and the 
Labour party are fixated by Ken!  He’s no longer able to influence 
affairs. -cs]  then in free-thinking mode, made a devastating 
intervention against Mr Hague’s policy that he would ‘not let matters 
rest’ if the Lisbon Treaty passed. He was clear what the alternatives 
were: ‘the repudiation of a treaty that this country has ratified; an 
attempt to renegotiate or reopen that treaty; a parliamentary process 
of some kind; or a referendum.’

The Tories are travelling very light on European policy (as on 
others). But last week Mr Hague said that on day one in the Foreign 
Office he will focus on a Bill to hold a referendum on the Lisbon 
Treaty, if the Treaty has not been passed, or other measures to 
impede the Treaty if it has. This is a crowd-pleaser in the Tory 
party, but it is suicidal when it comes to British influence and 
British interests.

Leave to one side that our parliament has actually passed the Lisbon 
Treaty. [But the people oppose it, Mr Miliband, and we were PROMISED 
a referendum.  Promises don’t count for you Mr Miliband, eh? -cs]   
The Tory policy is dangerous for four reasons.

First, it restarts an institutional debate in Europe when that is the 
last thing the people of the UK need. [The people of Europe need it 
badly. The British, the Dutch. the French and the Irish don’t want 
this treaty and three of them have said so.  The rest have had their 
democratic rights stolen -cs]  Gordon Brown negotiated an agreement 
at the December 2007 European Council that passage of the Lisbon 
Treaty would be accompanied by a self-denying ordinance against any 
further institutional tinkering before 2017. [This is gut-wrenchingly 
dishonest.  He must know that the Treaty contains provisions for 
amending it without bothering to call a meeting to do so!  I call 
that a fraud -cs]

Second, not content with isolating Britain from every mainstream 
political grouping in the European parliament [All elected by a 
fraudulent system which prevents the people having any significant 
influence on the composition of that parliament -cs]   through their 
decision to withdraw from the European People’s Party,   This policy 
isolates Britain from every other government in Europe. Mr Hague says 
he is a great enthusiast for some European action, but not for 
European institutions. But the idea that we will get anywhere on 
extending the single market, driving forward enlargement, or 
reforming the budget if our flagship stance in foreign policy is to 
destroy the Lisbon Treaty is self-delusion.

Third, Mr Hague’s political gamesmanship risks destroying our special 
relationship with the US. President Obama has said very clearly that, 
‘America has no better partner than Europe.[That’s the kind of vapid 
remark politicians make to please their audiences! - Really! -cs]   
Now is the time to join together, through constant co-operation, 
strong institutions, shared sacrifice and a global commitment to 
progress.’  [Blah! Blah! Blah! -cs] Secretary of State Clinton has 
looked to Europe for active partnership as the new administration 
seeks to reset relations with Russia and Iran, and as new and bolder 
goals are defined for Afghanistan and the Middle East.  [This is pure 
waffle.  The rest of the major countries in the EU are determined to 
do nothing much in Afghanistran and we can’t do more as Miliband’s 
lot have run  us out of money -cs]

If Britain moves itself to the margins of Europe I can draw no other 
conclusion from my work  [WHAT WORK WITH them -cs] with the US 
administration than that Britain’s special relationship with the US 
will become a piece of historical nostalgia  []it already is -cs] — 
dusty bunting hauled out to adorn official occasions, not the 
lifeblood of our everyday diplomatic thinking. The UK’s diplomatic, 
military and intelligence assets are valuable to the US, but without 
the political weight to drive Europe forward we are a far less useful 

Fourth, a referendum held once the Lisbon Treaty is in force and has 
been passed by all 27 countries — or some other mechanism to satisfy 
Tory scepticism about Europe — can only have one outcome, namely the 
renegotiation of the terms of Britain’s membership of the EU. [YES - 
OK  - Excellent -cs] That is because once the Lisbon Treaty is in 
force, it no longer exists as the Lisbon Treaty but is consolidated 
into the founding treaties of the EU.

What the UK really needs is a European Union confident in its sense 
of achievement and bold in its ambition, not a body hobbled by 
institutional squabbling inflamed by politicians who have never 
believed in its potential.  [The trouble is that Britain’s interests 
are diametrically opposed to those of most continental EU countries.   
We want free markets - They want regulated ones - regulated by 
politicians.  We want a global outlookj for we trade with the world.   
They look inward for they trade with themselves.  De Gaulle 
recognised this when he said:- “England, (Britain!) in effect is 
insular. She is maritime. She is linked through her trade, her 
markets, her supply lines to the most distant countries. She pursues 
essentially industrial and commercial activities .... She has, in all 
her doings, very marked and very original habits and traditions. In 
short England's nature, England's structure, England's very situation 
differs profoundly from those of the Continentals." .

William Hague has written a well-received book on the life of William 
Pitt. He will therefore know Pitt’s aphorism that Britain should 
provide an example to Europe. His current approach threatens a unique 
double whammy: bad for Europe and bad for Britain. [Or as most 
Britons would see it as an example of how to set Europe free - AGAIN! 