Special Report on the Alex Jones YouTube Channel Censorship Federal Reserve Policymaker Wants Global Financial Cop US interrogators may have killed dozens, human rights researcher and rights group say Banks Are the Largest Abusers of Offshore Tax Havens
Police Terror Stops Occur Every Three Minutes In London
London Police stop and search a member of the public every three minutes under anti-terrorism laws, new figures have revealed.
• Worse Than The Great Depression... Hyperinflation Is Coming! Own Gold & Silver! Real Money-Real Protection!
A You Tube user calls You Tube’s office as well as the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about You Tube’s censorship and suspension of The Alex Jones Channel.
A systemic regulator needs a global reach to address a financial firm’s multinational operations and increased use of derivatives around the world or risk being ineffective, a top Federal Reserve policy maker said on Tuesday.
• Hedge Fund Leader Blasts Obama for “Bullying” and “Abuse of Power”
United States interrogators killed nearly four dozen detainees during or after their interrogations, according a report published by a human rights researcher based on a Human Rights First report and followup investigations.
Enron was lambasted for using offshore tax havens and complicated corporate structures to avoid paying taxes.
• Will Obama Seize Americans’ 401k and IRA Funds?
• US Fed rejects request to help credit card holders
• About that “loan”: Obama team writes off $7 billion taxpayers loaned Chrysler
Thursday, 7 May 2009
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Britannia Radio