Official government anti Semitism by president Chavez and his Venezuelan administration as well as the Arab world and the rest of the hostile nations to Israel is accepted as OK, maybe not by words but certainly by the actions of the President and other Western leaders who use words occasionally but no action. A new dark age of antipathy to Jew hatred is being tolerated by the so-called civilized world.
As the Bible points out in Joel 4:3 in the Tanach and in the NJKV Joel 3:3:
They have cast lots for my people, have given a boy as payment for a harlot and sold a girl for wine that they might drink.
The above verse is talking about the harlot religion of Islam, selling out on both your Jewish or Christian faith for Islam as well as selling out the girl (Israel) for wine, which is the oil.
On the Jewish side we have the ADL and the 78% of Jews who voted for President Obama who condemn Islamists but publicly at least bend to say that is Islam is a peaceful religion that has been hijacked. A large chunk of the Christian community fails to understand what the bible is predicting and has shown both a hostility to Israel and willing to be deceived by interfaith dialogue with Muslim sheiks who distort what their Koran and Hadith teach, in order to placate the peace wishers who will swallow the kibosh of lies and deception for the comfort of their own souls.
The policies of America and the free world have sold out their soul for cheap Arab oil and continue on this path. They sell out Israel and their own souls, and no more so than the current administration.
On May 4 Iranian Army General Commander Ataollah Salehi claiming that it "Will Take Us 11 Days 'To Wipe Israel Out of existence. He is obviously referring to the nuclear capability, which the Iranians say is only for peaceful purposes.
The free world bowed before the little corporal from Austria, tried to make nice to him and we all know how it ended.
It has been reported that even the Chief of Staff of the White House Rahm Emanuel an Israeli Jew has decided to betray his people for his messiah President Barack Obama by telling AIPAC that the USA will allow Iran to get the Atomic bomb if Israel does not make peace with the Palestinians. So let us get this straight, it is not in the interests of the USA and the free world for Iran to have nuclear weapons but if we can only get the Palestinian issue solved we will subordinate our own interests and security, for the sake of a peaceful Palestinian state, which has eluded the grasp of umpteen leaders for over ninety years . If this is true then the foreign policy of the United States is stark raving mad and that our President and his administration is subverting the interests of its own citizens to the dependence of a foreign power even if that power is regarded as an ally. This undermines the defense of the USA by relying on the decision of a foreign power for our defense. This
has got to be unconstitutional and dare I say an act of treason.
If the above report is factual, the people of the USA better awaken quickly because we will need much more than a tea party to save us now.
All we know is that we can take comfort in that the Bible predicts these times and eventually things will work out but not before the real messiah comes to take care of business. Dare I say that the Day of Lord is not too far away, can’t give you a date but things are heating up fast.
Keith Davies
Executive Director of the Walid Shoebat Foundation
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
President Obama Foreign Policy love fest for foreign powers does not apply to the Jews.
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Britannia Radio