Rewarding crooks and incompetents
The Republicans held power from January 1995 - November 2006. Most of them are still there. They didn't eliminate one cabinet, one agency or the income tax. They did not get us out of the communist run UN or lift a pen towards monetary reform. They outspent the Democrats and voted to destroy the Bill of Rights at every opportunity, erecting a police state that has become intolerable for a free people. The Democrats have simply picked up where they left off times ten. The same old horse and pony show because Americans continue to reward the same incumbents over and over and over......
by Devvy Kidd
The Continuing War on Police
BLA lawyers in the courtroom numbered at least seven and they included Stuart Hanlon, who has won an award from the National Lawyers Guild. This group is so far left that it was officially described as a communist front organization during the Cold War and continues to be the U.S. affiliate of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, the old Soviet front....
by Cliff Kincaid
Beer & Donut Ads Also Corrupt Culture
These has not changed for more than a decade except that the ads grow increasingly perverse and contemptuous, the depicted men more weak, feminized, artificial or performance obsessed as the years pass, the media flogging along the regression of culture. It is a distraction machine from the operating systems and personae of culture but also a constant tutorial in the ways of ignorance and virtual identity.......
by Eugene Narrett, Ph.D
Obama isn't Enforcing Immigration Laws
Janet Napolitano, an open borders governor in Arizona who allowed millions to cross that state’s borders during her term, finds herself in an even more powerful position to allow millions more to invade the USA. Historians will dub her the “Benedict Arnold” of the 21st century. They will say, “She relished that title to her last breath.”.....
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 11 May 2009
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Britannia Radio