This is to discuss any BBC-related issue that concerns you. Please use it sensibly. no abuse and no trolls. The BBC never misses an opportunity to evangelise on behalf of the Nanny State. And so it is that following the continued horrendous revelations concerning Haringey social services, the utterly ineffective Lord Laming is wheeled on to inform us that the logical conclusion to this sordid tale is ....that the State needs to become even more active in the role of parenting. No counter view required. None offered. Well, allow me to provide one. The guy that raped the two year old child needs castrated and put away for life, end of. The useless social workers need sacked. The politicians that presided over this should resign, Parents need to be held reponsible for their kids. How about some REAL debate? The motif is fixed - - levelling unsupported criticisms at the lawful forces of the Sri Lankan Government whilst giving the terrorists a free pass. Hello and welcome to the brand new Biased BBC site! It's a revolution in design and I hope you will have a look around and settle in to this new look site. Of course these things take a lot of work and that's why my first responsibility is to express my sincere thanks to Geoff - he from All Seeing Eye - without whose enthusiasm, good humour and sustained effort this would not have been possible. I also want to publicly thank G.O.T. (Warning; sweary blog!) for his excellent and visionary work here. We owe these two fine gentlemen thanks for bringing this work to fruition and I doff my cap to both. This is also a work in progress so please bear with us as we finesse and complete. Now, to deal with the BBC...SATURDAY NIGHT OPEN THREAD...
>> SATURDAY, MAY 02, 2009
The BBC must be the only organisation on this planet that takes human wind bag John Prescott seriously. Prezza has waded into the Labour civil war - mindlessly trying to prop up Gordo. Isn't it such a laugh to see hard Labour disintegrate in front of our very eyes whilst goons like Prezza rush into the busom of the welcoming Today programme in a vain attempt to save Gordon?
Sunday, 3 May 2009
The BBC's continued pro Tamil Tiger coverage continues here. It has all the same characteristics of the sort of coverage afforded to the IDF activity in Gaza.
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Britannia Radio