It would be great if the Conservatives actually showed a bit of bottle and helped us get rid of the bloated parasite in the grotesque form of Michael Martin that occupies the historic role of Speaker of the House of Commons. There is far too much prevarication and triangulation going on when what is needed is clear leadership on this issue. The BBC reports that their darling, Nick Clegg, has actually said the unspeakable and called on Gorbals Mick to go. Naturally cronies in the form of Stuart Bell and Stephen Pound has come to the aid of their pal Martin. Reading the report, it feels like the BBC wants to see Martin stay and so the prospect of his immediate political demise is downplayed. Let Cameron go for the jugular and start the process of cleansing out the stable.SAVE GORBALS MICK?.
>> SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2009
Sunday, 17 May 2009
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Britannia Radio