Please read, sign and send out this petition without delay!
Everyone on this list knows the dangers of a "Palestinian" Arab state to the Jewish Nation. Every person on this list understands that we must act and we must act now to oppose an Arab state in the heartland of Israel.
Susie Dym of Matot Arim and Robin Ticker, an activist in New York, have written the following petition to the major Orthodox Jewish Organizations and media outlets in the US. We might be able to appeal to their religious conscience to help build a campaign against a "Palestinian" Arab State. The major point of the petition is to build a database of people and synagogues; this is crucial.
Here is the petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/1eys/petition.html.
After signing it, please forward this email to everyone on your list, and ask them to do the same!
Let's reach 10,000 names by Yom Yerushalayim.
Thank you,
Yosef Rabin
Ted Belman