Skelton: Stop Bilderberg's Nightmare Future At All Costs
London Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton, who began his coverage of the 2009 Bilderberg conference in a jovial and mocking manner, is now warning that the horrendous treatment dished out to him by both police and undercover spies is just a taste of what we can expect in our daily lives if we allow Bilderberg's agenda, and specifically ID cards and implantable microchips, to be implemented.
• Germany denies Most Evil patent ever
The financial channels are abuzz with talk of a recovery, but we’re not out of the woods yet. In fact, the deceleration in the rate of economic decline is not a sign of recovery at all, but proof that the economy is resetting at a lower level of activity. That means the recession will drag on for some time no matter what the Fed does.
Former Presidential candidate and current U.S. Senator John Kerry is rumored to have attended the 2009 Bilderberg conference despite not appearing on the official guest list, suggesting he will play a prominent role in getting globalist-mandated legislation like carbon taxes passed over the course of the next year.