Slumping to Infernal Regions
The people of this corrupt nation are now righteously indignant in regard to the criminal machinations of their government on the federal, state and local levels, now that they are increasingly being deprived of their hedonistic pleasures and dangle precipitously on a cliff overlooking a precipice of economic ruin, hunger, and restriction of their freedom to think, speak, and act on lawful personal desires they are restive and alarmed. While there was......
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret.
Cultural Kleptomaniacs
The greatness of America’s civil government is that it has created a system where the individual is responsible for his own behavior. Although those of us who call ourselves Christian, believe that God is in ultimate control, the fact remains that in America a citizen can follow his own moral code without the intrusion of “religion” in his personal life. He is captain of his own ship and as long as he doesn’t sail into another’s private waters (civil law) he is free to navigate.......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
Preparing for Cyber Warfare
The new cyber command is needed because "our increasing dependency on cyberspace, alongside a growing array of cyber threats and vulnerabilities, adds a new element of risk to our national security." No, that is not from a 1999 Geoff Metcalf column but from the latest government memo.......
by Geoff Metcalf
Do you think Obama might not be what he says he is?
“I am a Christian, never a Muslim.” It’s incredible to me as I revisit the emotional and spiritual seduction so many millions had when Obama was running for office. So many were sick of globalist Bush, the Iraq war and Republicans in general. We found ourselves with a handsome, young, rock star black guy who was vividly democrat and liberal competing against the usual Rhino type conservative who was older and was proud of being a compromiser and frankly a globalist, McCain.......
by Laurie Roth
The Essential Services Clue
For years we’ve been bombarded by the term “essential services”. In war and crisis-based economics, the term offers great insight into governmental crystal balls. The essential services list appears to be fairly consistent and looks something like this:.......
by Nancy Levant
Water Crisis in Mexico Portends the Same in USA
In a scorching report from the desert bowl of Mexico City, Mexico, we find water shortages at desperate levels. In many places in Mexico, because of terrific toxic pollution of existing water supplies, mothers feed their babies Coca Cola in order to make sure their children do not suffer poisoning.......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Friday, 8 May 2009
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Britannia Radio