Operation Save Gordon is in full throttle today and nowhere is this more evident than on the BBC. I refer you to the main news portal which leadswith Postie Johnson declaring of Gordo that "... he is " better than me or anyone else" as prime minister." Well, certainly better for the Tories! However if you scan down the stories under Postie's declaration of undying loyalty to Brown, look at the other BBC headlines. "Blears denies criticism of Brown", "Clarke in smears row action call" and "Prescott rounds on Brown's critics". Notice the slant? Not just biased - outrageously biased. Anyone catch the Andrew Marr show this morning? Amazingly pro-Labour with Postie Johnson and luvvie Patrick Stewart bigging up Prudence. Johnson was on to slap down the Blears mutiny, of course. Meanwhile Marr himself commented that Labour had to be given credit for what they have already done for the Gurkhas. And as an extra treat, Nicky Campbell's "The Big Question" is debating should we be ASHAMED of our role in Iraq? Saddamite supporters in the audience. Total contempt for the British army. Universal agreement that the war was wrong because we were "lied" to and that weapons of mass destruction did not exist. No one too bothered about Saddam's genocide. George Carey claims we brought terrorism into Iraq. For further multiculti fun he also has a Druid on! The look of this site might alter, the BBC agenda is fixed in aspic.SUNDAY AFTERNOON....
>> SUNDAY, MAY 03, 2009
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 18:05