Benefits in kind going undeclared and flipping primary residences to evade capital gains taxes will now be investigated according to a statement released by HM Revenue Commissioners. Listening to the politicians who lecture us on redistribution and tell us “it is right that those who have more, pay more” explain why they evaded capital gains taxes is going to be fun. Fun for Guido at least. In fact it is like all Guido’s Christmases have come at once. Smeargate followed by the total exposure of the reality of politician’s troughing venality and lack of integrity is everything Guido has ever wanted. Finally, after four hundred and four years, the torture of the original Guido Fawkes is being avenged without resort to the rack. When they start jailing politicians old Guy will have been completely avenged. Tory MP James Gray, who Guido can confirm from previous behaviour is a complete shit, is exposed today by the News of the World “as a greedy skinflint after claiming for Remembrance Day wreaths on expenses.” Iain Dale calls James Gray “a class one copper bottomed shit… I feel sick to the stomach that an MP from the party I support could even contemplate claiming money for a wreath, let alone actually going ahead and doing it.”So bad news for the Tory Shadow Scottish Secretary David Mundell, who also claims for wreaths. They are both pretty much unashamed that their tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice is to put in an expense claim. Guido alluded to LibDem CEO Lord Rennard’s troughing ways yesterday, theNews of the World has found out about his lying to the parliamentary authorities about his place of residence so he can trouser £41,678 tax free. Guido will be returning to Lord Rennard in the near future. His troughing dishonesty doesn’t end with this, nor does his personal morality bear much scrutiny. The News of the Screws has a competition , the winner can live like an MP! Hazel Blears flipped her main residence and told a different story to the tax man enabling her to avoid paying capital gains tax on the £45,000 profit she made out of taxpayers. Tom Watson, the mendacious Minister for Mudslinging and Digital Engagement, claims almost £100 a week for food. Together with fellow Minister Iain Wright, he has used parliamentary allowances to lavish more than £100,000 on their shared Central London home since the last General Election. That is one gold-plated pig sty. Something to mull over; HMRC allows £5 per night subsistence deductions to taxpayers for overnight stays in the UK. MPs voted themselves £20-a-day tax-free subsistence payments. Why is the rule different for MPs? Do they eat 300% more than the rest of us? UPDATE : Talking of Tom Watson, after reading the above a co-conspirator emails; He is of course (like all MPs) loaded, courtesy of the taxpayers.SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2009
Will Be Investigated ++++++ HMRC Official : MPs Will Be Investigated +++
Sunday Sleaze Bumper Edition
There is a heck of a lot to round-up this morning. So first a bit of light entertainment:
Caroline Flint is posing as a diva in a fashion spread in the Observer. The hard-hitting interview asks“Will she ever be able to improve on her number seven ranking in the Most Fanciable MP list?” No questions however about the former Housing Minister getting the taxpayer to pay her stamp duty tax.
The Times reports that Baroness Thornton, a Labour minister in the whips’ office, with a £1 million family house near Hampstead Heath claims up to £22,000 a year in expenses by saying that her mother’s modest bungalow in Yorkshire is her main home.
The first time I met him, after many bottles of vino and hours of him talking to my tits, he started telling me all about his second home in London and that he and Siobhan were looking to buy another one in the capital. I was thinking she must be loaded, but now that I consider it in light of current events, I have my doubts.