Sunday, May 24, 2009
NY Times Escalates Op-Ed Offensive for Iran
Iran's Holocaust-denying President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not get his job through the The New York Times (want ads). But he might keep it through the Times (Op-Ed page).
Sunday's edition of America's most influential anti-Israel newspaper featured yet another Op-Ed essay in favor of appeasing the nuclear-arming, Islamist nation and its Hitlerian proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah. Click here for the long and dense article, which criticizes President Obama for not going far enough, fast enough to meet the missile-mad mullahs.
The pro-Iran opinion piece blames U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her special regional adviser, Dennis Ross, for supposedly slowing down the pace of appeasement, accuses the Obama administration of continuing a covert campaign for regime change in Iran and maintaining a military option along with pushing for possibly meaningful sanctions on Tehran (if only this were true), and argues for allowing the monstrous mullahocracy to continue its nuclear enrichment program--which the authors compare to the peaceful program of democratic Japan, an important and loyal American ally. The essay also credits Iran with allegedly playing a key role in the defeat of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan after 9/11.
All of which, following the pro-Iran series by Times columnist Roger Cohen (who seems to be a genuine Jewish anti-Semite, in the tradition of Walter Lippmann) makes this Manhattan-born, American Jewish reporter wonder how any Jew in his right mind can continue to support the paper with advertising and subscriptions. Wonder ... but only for a moment ... until recalling that an overwhelming majority of American Jews voted for Obama over John McCain, a proven friend of Israel.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
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Britannia Radio