Sunday, May 24, 2009
Obama Plan for Israel's Capital: Palestinian Flag Over East Jerusalem, UN Flag Over Old City

U.S. President Barack Obama has agreed to support the Saudi demand that Palestinian Arabs (led by Iranian proxy Hamas) be permitted to establish their capital in East Jerusalem, which was captured by Israel in the defensive Six Day War in 1967. But the walled Old City at the heart of Jerusalem, where the holiest site of Judaism--the Western Wall--and the principal holy sites of Christianity are located, would become an international enclave and fly the United Nations flag, according to the Obama plan--a final solution to the "problem" of Jewish national liberation in the Land of Israel.
Obama Will be a One-Term President

Four months into the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, this reporter has seen enough to predict that BHO will not be sitting in the Oval Office in four years. Like the catastrophic Carter, the Mysterious Obama will be a one-termer.
Just as Jimmy Carter paved the way for President Reagan, Obama will open the door for a Republican comeback and the election in 2012 of Newt Gingrich or another center-right GOP candidate to lead the nation to recovery and wealth creation.
Not only will Obama fail to win reelection; he will probably not even run for a second term and either drop out or lose out to Hillary Clinton. Already marginalized, the Secretary of State will resign within 12 to 18 months to protest Obama's appeasement of Islamist Iran and Islamism in general--policies that will give Tehran's turbaned tyrants time to develop nuclear weapons and make war in the Middle East and terrorist attacks at home inevitable.
As for the economy--hollowed out by successive Republican and Democratic administrations--Obama's stimulus will not put America back to work. Instead, he will bankrupt the country, crush the middle class, and raise energy prices across the board. His cap-and-trade policy will prove to be a disastrous, disguised value added tax, a way to generate a trillion dollars of revenue for the federal government at the expense of ordinary Americans and small businesses--whose electricity and fuel bills will rise at the worst possible time. The oil cartel and petro-tyrants and terrorists will laugh all the way to the bank.
Obama's narcissistic personality will become a topic of everyday discussion. Ditto for his mysterious past. More and more Americans who voted for the Anointed One will ask themselves how they could have been so taken in, so bamboozled, so conned by a virtual unknown with a paper-thin resume.
The conservative blogosphere will at last be vindicated. There will be revelations that even the liberal mainstream media will be forced to cover.
A leading Democratic senator warned Sunday his party could support a potentially polarizing obstruction of President Barack Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court if he names an "activist" to the bench.
Parties in opposition to a sitting president traditionally call for moderation in a pick to the country's highest court, but moderate Democrat Ben Nelson issued a blunt warning from Obama's own party that the president should not choose someone seen as out of the mainstream.
"I don't care whether they're liberal or conservative," Nelson told Fox News Sunday in an interview. "I just want to make sure they're not activist. I don't want an activist on the bench."
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