Sunday, May 31, 2009
Liberal US Pundits Rally Around Moussavi
Liberal pundits who support "engagement" with nuclear-arming Iran are encouraged by the possibility that a reform-minded candidate (relatively speaking) could win the country's upcoming Presidential elections. David Ignatius, for example, writes in today's edition of the Washington Post:This isn't a nation of fanatics with suicide belts strapped to their waists. It's a real country, with proud, well-educated people who take their democracy seriously, even with the constraints imposed by Iran's theocracy. Like people throughout the Middle East, Iranians have been astonished by the rise of Barack Obama and the new opportunities he embodies.
Click here to read the whole article. Ignatius has excellent sources in the Obama administration. His piece can be seen as a confirmation of our late April report:The Obama administration is banking on a so-called moderate Islamist, Mir-Hossein Moussavi, to win Iran's Presidential election this June. Administration officials are poised to accelerate "engagement" of Iran if the 69-year-old architect emerges as the victor.
The rival to Iran's Holocaust-denying President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is committed to continuing the country's supposedly peaceful nuclear power program. But Moussavi has offered "guarantees" that Iran's nuclear enrichment effort will not be used to make bombs and warheads. That tantalizing offer, coupled with his criticism of "extremism," has made Moussavi a left/liberal darling.
A Moussavi victory is likely to strengthen U.S. President Barack Obama's argument for "tough" direct diplomacy with Iran and make it even more difficult, politically, for Israel to attack Iran's suspect nuclear sites and menacing missile installations. The United States has warned Israel against military action; and, as China Confidential has reported, the Obama administration is considering ways of punishing Jerusalem if it disobeys the U.S. There could be condemnations and sanctions.
A Moussavi win would also spur left/liberal acceptance of the oxymoronic notion of moderate, or moderating, or reformist or reforming Islamism--choose your poison. Islamist sympathizers and appeasers in the U.S. and Europe are poised to point to Iran as an example of so-called Islamist democracy--a concept akin to Nazi or Communist democracy. In reality, Iran's political system is a unique, Shiite Muslim cross between theocracy and clerical fascism. The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, rules; barbaric Islamic law (Sharia) is the law of the land; there are prescribed limits to freedom of expression and freedom to organize for political purposes; and a Council of Guardians decides who can run for office.Obama, Not Bush, is the Scary 'Cowboy'
American and European liberals and leftists ... and the Arab/Muslim media ... often accused U.S. President George W. Bush of acting like an American cowboy (as if that was a bad thing), meaning, in their twisted usage, not a hard-working cattle herder or horse wrangler, but an ... outlaw ... out of Western movies ... a trigger-happy, trouble-making, gunman ... or gang leader. Bush's plain speech, folksy ways, and Texas accent and ranch played to the stereotype.
In sharp contrast with Bush, Barack Obama has cultivated a very different image, that of a cool and brainy statesman--an Ivy League law professor and community organizer--in tune with the Third World that gave us his Kenyan father and Indonesian stepfather as well as generations of despots and a seemingly endless supply of idiotic ideologies and radical religious beliefs. Hence, Obama's sickening, submissive bow to the King of Saudi Arabia. Hence, too, Obama's anti-Israel tilt and appeasement of nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran, a clerical fascist menace with which the President of the United States--the leader of the free world--wants to enter into a "Grand Bargain."
So much for carefully crafted images and stereotypes. The real George W. Bush is a sincere and misunderstood patriot; the real Obama, a strange and mysterious loner. Put differently, in a classic, American movie or American TV series episode set in the mythical Old West, the Bush character would probably appear as a respected rancher, defending his family and their land, or a sheriff, defending his town against seemingly impossible odds; the Obama character, a smooth-talking, land-grabbing swindler, or a dishonest gambler, in any event, a weird and dangerous loner.
If that seems harsh, so be it. Four months into the Obama administration, this reporter has seen enough to expect the worst from the Agent of Change. Consider this: the only country that Obama has gotten tough with is America's strategic ally, Israel, which also happens to be the only democracy in the Middle East. That, alone, speaks volumes about Obama's ideology and agenda.
Consider this, too: instead of reaching out to rival superpowers China and Russia to prevent new wars and the spread of nuclear weapons, Obama has "engaged" (code for appeased) the so-called Muslim world, elevating an organized religion that has been taken over and become synonymous with its most reactionary and repressive elements--people who plot and plan the destruction of our civilization and muse openly about a "world without America and Israel"--to the level of a global, supranational power.
While North Korea, aided by Iran, threatens to attack the U.S., South Korea, and Japan, Obama is obsessed with ... Jerusalem. Making Israel's present-day and ancient capital the capital of a Palestinian terror state, an irredentist enclave ruled by Iran's Islamist proxy, Hitlerian Hamas, is a top Obama priority. That, and pressuring Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders--the boundaries that the late Israeli foreign minister, Abba Eban, called the "Auschwitz lines"--in order to make possible the creation of this new, Arab state, this Obamanation, in historic Palestine--the second or third such state, actually, given Gaza's emergence as an Iranian forward base and satellite.
The fawning liberal media--Obama's useful idiots--are too blinded by their own biases to see that their fabulously phony idol is, at the end of the day, the man on horseback whose arrival they have long feared.Saturday, May 30, 2009
North Korea Could be Planning June 4 Provocation to Upstage Obama's Speech to 'the Muslim World'
China Confidential analysts say North Korea may be preparing a major provocation, such as a new nuclear test, more missile tests, or a border skirmish or maritime clash with South Korean forces, to coincide with and upstage U.S. President Barack Obama's address to "the Muslim world" from Cairo, Egypt, which is scheduled for June 4.
Other dates to watch: June 16, the date set for a summit between Obama and South Korean President Lee Mying-Bak in Washington, DC, and July 4, U.S. Independence Day.
Analysts stress that there is more to North Korea's nuclear/missile madness than mere attention getting, or, extortion, even. The North needs to test its weapons of mass destruction in order to improve them and become a full-fledged nuclear power capable of conquering South Korea, dominating Japan, and driving the U.S. from the region (meaning, South Korea and Japan) and deterring the U.S. from launching crushing counterattacks on the North that could theoretically include use of nuclear weapons.
China Confidential is the only media outlet that correctly predicted both North Korean nuclear tests, including predicting the exact test dates. Using open source intelligence and an international network of volunteer stringers and analysts, China Confidential has consistently out-reported the mainstream media on the twin threats to world peace--nuclear-arming North Korea and nuclear-armed Iran.The Summit that Could Save the World
The United States should stop appeasing, appealing, and apologizing to its enemies, and start acting like a superpower.
Instead of begging, bowing, and submitting to the so-called Muslim World--elevating a religion to the level of a supranational power--President Barack Obama should stand firmly by his beleaguered and endangered allies, Israel, Japan, and South Korea, while reaching out to America's superpower rivals, China and Russia. More specifically, he should call for an emergency summit with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
The venue is immaterial. What matters is that the leaders lock themselves in a room and not emerge until agreeing on the outlines of an urgently needed, history-making alliance ... a Grand Bargain ... which will prevent the outbreak of new wars on the Korean Peninsula and in the Middle East, cause North Korea to disarm, and stop Iran--and the Taliban and Al Qaeda--from acquiring nuclear weapons.
That is what real diplomacy, as opposed to appeasement, is all about: preventing wars instead of making them inevitable, working with great power rivals, instead of with terrorists and barbarians, to bring order and stability to an increasingly dangerous and complex world.Q & A on WW II Historical Analogies
Q: If nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran is Nazi Germany, nuclear-armed, Stalinist/Kimist North Korea is Imperial/Militarist Japan, democratic Israel is Czechoslovakia and the disputed West Bank is the Sudetenland, what country is Franco/Fascist Spain?
A: North Korea. The Korean crisis is the precursor to the coming confrontation with Iran.
Q: If Ahmadinejad is Hitler and Kim Jong-Il (or whomever is actually in charge of North Korea) is Tojo, which Axis of Evil leader is the new Mussolini?
A: Hugo Chavez.
Q: Who is the new Neville Chamberlain?
A: Barack Obama. His policy of appeasement toward Iran will make war inevitable on Iranian terms, just as Chamberlain's policy of appeasement toward Germany made war inevitable on Germany's terms. In fact, Obama's appeasement transcends the policy pursued by Chamberlain. The British Prime Minister, who was sincere in his desire to preserve peace, misread Germany's intentions; but he never sought to enter into an alliance with the Nazis. In contrast, Obama is trying to enter into a "Grand Bargain" with Iran in order to pacify Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Q: Is there a new League of Nations?
A: Yes. It is called the United Nations. It is allowing North Korea and Iran to defy humanity just as the League allowed Nazi Germany to defy humanity.
Sunday, 31 May 2009
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Britannia Radio