Sun’s ‘The Whip’ Slashed - Iain Dale
Operation Get Gordon - Quentin Letts
Gold Sales Lost Central Banks €40 Billion - FT
Gordon Should Be in Hospital - Simon Carr
Are Milburn and Clarke Gearing Up? - Dizzy
Jacqui’s Idiotic Banning of Michael Savage - Matthew Norman
Labour MPs Demolish ‘Optimistic’ Budget - Indy
Decent Labour Must Put Britain First - Simon Heffer
No Leak Investigation Over Smeargate - Sue Cameron
Prescott Mocks Gordon Brown’s Smile - Telegraph
Tories Will Jilt Tracey Emin and Go Back to Maggie - Times
50,000 Sign Downing Street ‘Just Go’ Petition - Downing Street
50 Ways to Leave Your Leader - LabourHome
An Appreciation of Jack Kemp - ESPN
Obama Praises Life of Late Politician Kemp - Voice of America
Capitalist for the Common Man - Wall Street Journal