Friday, 8 May 2009

FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2009

“It Is Within the Rules”" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-decoration: none; color: rgb(51, 68, 119); ">“It Is Within the Rules”

millionaire-mp-logoWho made the rules? MPs. Who benefits? MPs. Who decides how much they are paid? MPs. Who judges rule breakers? MPs.  It is a fundamental legal principle, that you should not be a judge in your own case (“nemo debet esse iudex in propria causa”).  MPs are always judging other MPs caught red handed, that is why despite huge amounts of money being embezzled, not a single MP has gone to jail.

Guido has been shouting about the Green Book Rule changes which came into force on April Fools Day - and politicians really do take us for fools. To stop all the rule breaking by MPs they came up with a clever solution. Scrap the rules!  MPs have become millionaires from property portfolios financed out of taxpayer’s money, they have incredibly generous pension packages worth £30,000 a year.  Even by public sector standards this is generous. They just keep on troughing for decades and then collect their gold-plated index-linked pension schemes on their way out.

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Guide to Expense Lies

Guido’s guide to the lies you will be hearing:

It has since been corrected” - I knew it was going to come out and it was such a blatant fiddle that I realised I had to repay the fraudulently claimed money before it came out.

The Fees Office approved the payment - the Fees Office always take the word of “honourable” members.  They always make the payment without question.

It was a clerical error” - it was a small fiddle.

Lessons have been learned - we have got away with it, but we won’t do it again.

We have to have two homes to do our job properly” - why stay in a hotel when we can build a property portfolio at the public’s expense.

Claims were made in good faith” - we have always got away with it in the past.

It was within the rules” - MPs make the rules to suit themselves. MPs are  lawmakers, judge and jury.  It is a joke at our expense.  They really are almost all at it.  Now we can see…