Telegraph letter writer Will Twidale wrote…
“SIR –
When the late Alan Clark described Michael Heseltine as “the kind of man who bought his own furniture”, most took it as a snobbish snub. Yet, perhaps he was in fact paying Mr Heseltine a compliment, as one of few MPs who didn’t get us taxpayers (unknowingly) to buy it for him. Will Twidale”

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Five Non-Fiddling Labour MPs - LabourHome
Gordon Brown’s Expenses - City Unslicker
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My Telegraph Rebuttal - Nadine Dorries
There is Nothing British About the BNP - ConservativeHome
Labour Voters - I’ll Give You £10 - Dan Hannan
It’s New Lowbour - Sun
Elliot Morley Kicked Out of PLP - BBC
Parliament Rated Lowest as an Institution - PoliticsHome
Why We Called the Police - Taxpayers’ Alliance
Petition for Transparency on MPs’ Expenses