Bibi' arrives in Washington;
Israel in his handsIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew into Washington DC Sunday, a day before his scheduled first meeting with American President Barack Obama. According to reporters on the plane from Israel, the prime minister's staff was tense as they crossed the ..
When he meets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the White House Monday, US President Barack Obama will have "proof" of his readiness to take seriously the Iranian nuclear program that threatens the Jewish state. The American will be able ...
The biblical land of Israel is actually the "land of YOUR forefathers" Pope Benedict told the Palestinian Arabs in Bethlehem last week. With this statement the pontiff, who has now departed Israel after five days of meddling in the country's ...
Israeli Arabs: We hate our stateAn increasing number of Israel's Arab citizens reject the country's right to exist as a Jewish state; and nearly half reject Israel's right to any indepEndence whatsoever. This is according to a new poll conducted among the country's 1.5 million ...
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