Two New Polls Confirm Rise of the Smaller Parties
Iain Dale 7:54 PM
Con 40% (-5)
Lab 21% (-5)
Lib 18 (-)
Con 42% (-3)
Lab 20% (-3)
Lib 15% (-2)
BPIX Euro Election Poll
Con 30% (-6)
UKIP 17% (+7)
Lab 17% (-6)
Lib 15% (-1)
This is from the Comres poll...I am very likely to vote for one of the minor parties, such as the Green Party or UKIP, in the European elections in June
Agree 43%
Disagree 53%
40% of Labour identifiers, 36% Tory identifiers and 43% of Liberal Democrat identifiers agree with this statement. So - all the major parties are likely to be at risk of losing votes to minor parties in the European elections.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
ConservativeHome has details of two polls out tonight from tomorrow's Independent and Mail. Both show the two main parties down and the LibDems more static. But the minor parties are up by a country mile.
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Britannia Radio