There is a snap ICM poll in the News of the World asking about
reactions to the latest MP expenses revelations. Rather
unsurprisingly, respondents overwhelmingly wanted MPs expenses
published in full (91%), wanted them run by an independent body (91%)
and thought that MPs standing had been damaged by the revelations
(89%). 68% said that their opinion of Gordon Brown himself had been
Asked what MPs should be able to claim on expenses, 69% thought
claiming travel expenses was okay and 59% thought staff costs were
fine. Only 29% thought that allowances for a second home were
acceptable, around 20% said they should be able to claim for food,
14% house repairs and 11% furniture. 16% said nothing at all.
The poll was conducted on Friday and Saturday with a sample size of
only 500, so there won't be any voting intention. However, I am
expecting at least one voting intention poll in the other Sunday papers.