Under the Cover of Memorial Day Weekend...
Transportation secretary proposes opening US to Mexican Trucks
I want you to consider how wrong-headed U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is. His proposal to open up the United States to Mexican truck drivers has the potential to harm our nation on a number of levels. Let me sum them up with a list of “what is wrong with this picture:” 1. Our nation is supposedly determined to secure the border that is supposed to separate the United States from Mexico. If massive numbers of Mexican 18 wheelers are permitted to stream across our border, I am willing to bet that........
By Former INS Agent Michael Cutler, Ret.
No Room For God
The fact that we are inundated with mind-dulling distraction only adds to our confusion. Across the country, many Americans fill their "free time" with trivia, entertainment, a feeling-based rather than fact-based media, and unending streams of suggestive ads and propaganda. Some of it is almost unavoidable. But it all fits together in the current transformation.......
by Berit Kjos
Increase in Unmarried Childbearing: US and Other Countries
In March, CDC reported that about 4 in 10 births in the United States in 2007 were to unmarried mothers. While a great deal of focus has been placed on births to unmarried teens, 6 out of 10 births to women between the ages of 20 and 24 were among unmarried women......
by NWV News
Adrenal Insufficiency
The adrenal gland is designed to enable the body to “fight or flight” in emergency situations. The normal adrenal gland produces 20 to 50 mg. of cortisol daily. Health problems, allergic disorders, injuries, operations, malignancies and autoimmune diseases often cause greater need for cortisol production. Prolonged stress may overwhelm the adrenal gland’s ability to respond appropriately. A prime factor contributing to adrenal failure is the steadily decreasing.......
by Dr. James Howenstine, MD
Sunday, 24 May 2009
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Britannia Radio